Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Sukiyaki (Ue wo muite arukou)


1. Today's topic

**Sukiyaki (Ue wo muite arukou)** is a song by Japanese crooner Kyu Sakamoto, first released in Japan in 1961. The song topped the charts in a number of countries, including the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 in 1963. It grew to become one of the world's best-selling singles of all time, selling over 13 million copies worldwide.

The song is written in Japanese, but the title is often translated as "Sukiyaki". However, the song is not actually about the Japanese dish sukiyaki. The title is a mistranslation of the Japanese word "sukiyaki nagashi", which means "flowing sukiyaki". The song is actually about a man who is trying to forget his lost love. He walks down the street, looking up at the sky and whistling, so that his tears will not fall.

The song was a huge hit in Japan, and it quickly became popular around the world. It was released in the United States in 1963, and it quickly topped the charts. The song's success helped to introduce Japanese music to a wider audience.

The song has been covered by many artists, including Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, and Barbra Streisand. It has also been used in a number of films and television shows. The song is a classic of Japanese popular music, and it continues to be popular around the world.

2. Today's. Japanese words

## Basic Compliments in Japanese:

Here are some basic compliments you can use in Japanese, with romaji and explanations:


* **Kirei desu ne (きれいですね):** You are beautiful (used for women).

* **Kakkoii desu ne (かっこいいですね):** You are handsome/cool (used for men).

* **Kawaii desu ne (かわいいですね):** You are cute (can be used for anyone).

* **Sono fuku niatte imasu ne (その服似合ってますね):** That outfit looks good on you.

* **Kirei na me desu ne (きれいな目ですね):** You have beautiful eyes.

* **Kirei na kami desu ne (きれいな髪ですね):** You have beautiful hair.

**Skills & Achievements:**

* **Sugoi desu ne (すごいですね):** That's amazing!

* **Jōzu desu ne (上手ですね):** You are good at it.

* **Yoku dekimashita ne (よくできましたね):** Good job!

* **Ganbatte imasu ne (頑張っていいですね):** You are working hard!

* **Isagi ii desu ne (潔いですね):** You are brave/decisive.

* **Shinsetsu na kata desu ne (親切な方ですね):** You are a kind person.


* **Ii desu ne (いいですね):** That's nice/good.

* **Kanshimasu (感心します):** I am impressed.

* **Yoroshii desu ne (よろしいですね):** That sounds good.

* **Sukidesu (好きです):** I like it.

* **Tanoshidesu (楽しいです):** I am having fun.


* **"Ne" at the end of a sentence makes it more polite.**

* **You can add "desu" to adjectives to make them polite.**

* **Be mindful of the context and your relationship with the person you are complimenting.**

3- Today’s news

KL is 18th best city in the world


Other Asian cities that fared better than Kuala Lumpur were Japan’s Kyoto in fourth place, followed by Singapore in the fifth spot. Japan’s Tokyo took the eighth place.

Thailand’s Bangkok came in 12th place while Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam was just one spot above Kuala Lumpur at 17th.

Japan December jobless rate falls to 2.4%


Sunday, 28 January 2024

Fiscal Terms

1. Today's Japanese words

 ## Japanese Vocabulary for Fiscal Terms (Romaji):


* **財政 (zaisei):** fiscal, finance

* **予算 (yosan):** budget

* **赤字 (akaji):** deficit

* **黒字 (kuroji):** surplus

* **債務 (saimu):** debt

* **支出 (shishutsu):** expenditure

* **収入 (shūnyū):** revenue

* **税金 (zeikin):** tax

* **経済成長 (keizai seichō):** economic growth


* **国債 (kokusai):** national debt

* **社会保障 (shakai hoshō):** social security

* **歳入超過 (zaishinyū kachō):** budget surplus

* **歳出超過 (zaishutsu kachō):** budget deficit

* **緊縮財政 (kinshuku zaisei):** fiscal austerity

* **財政再建 (zaisei saiken):** fiscal reconstruction

* **消費税 (shōhizei):** consumption tax

2. Today's topic

## Japan's Fiscal Balance: An Explanation

Japan's fiscal balance refers to the difference between its government's **revenue** (taxes and other income) and its **expenditure** (spending on social programs, infrastructure, etc.). Unfortunately, Japan has been running a **fiscal deficit** for several years, meaning it spends more than it takes in. 

Here's a breakdown of the situation:

**Current Status:**

* **Deficit:** As of 2021, Japan's fiscal deficit stood at **-6.2% of its GDP (Gross Domestic Product)**. This is higher than the average deficit for major economies (-4.6%).

* **Causes:** Several factors contribute to the deficit, including:

    * **Aging population:** As Japan's population ages, there are more retirees requiring social security and healthcare, increasing government spending.

    * **Economic stagnation:** Slow economic growth means lower tax revenue for the government.

    * **Pandemic impact:** The COVID-19 pandemic further increased government spending on stimulus measures.

**Future Outlook:**

* **Forecasts:** The deficit is expected to gradually decrease in the coming years, but it will likely remain significant.

* **Challenges:** Achieving fiscal balance requires difficult decisions, such as:

    * **Raising taxes:** This could be unpopular but could increase revenue.

    * **Cutting spending:** This is politically sensitive, especially regarding social programs.

    * **Economic growth:** Boosting economic growth would naturally increase tax revenue.

**Important Points:**

* Japan's high debt-to-GDP ratio (over 200%) is a concern, but its manageable interest rates lessen the immediate risk.

* The government is implementing measures to address the deficit, but finding a sustainable solution remains challenging.

3- Today’s news

Japan says it pauses funding to UNRWA, ‘extremely concerned’ about allegations


U.N. officials have urged countries, including top donors the U.S. and Germany, to reconsider their funding pauses for UNRWA. Japan is the sixth biggest donor to the agency, according to the UNRWA’s 2022 data.

Japan's debt hit record 702 trillion yen in FY2022


For fiscal 2022, the government's budget deficit was over 32 trillion yen, or about 217 billion dollars. That's an improvement of about 20 percent in yen terms from the previous fiscal year. But it's still above pre-pandemic levels.

jJishin (じしん) - earthquake


1. Today's Japanese words

 ## Japanese Earthquake-Related Vocabulary (Romaji):


* jishin (じしん) - earthquake

* taishinsai (たいしんさい) - disaster response

* higai (ひがい) - damage

* gisai (ぎせい) - casualty

* bousai (ぼうさい) - disaster prevention

* shindo (しんど) - seismic intensity scale (1-7)

**Specific Terms:**

* genshin (げんしん) - epicenter

* kaishin (かいしん) - hypocenter

* yure (ゆれ) - shaking

* tsunami (つなみ) - tsunami

* yudan (ゆだん) - complacency

* kakuka (かくと) - fault activation

* jishin gyakushu (じしんぎゃくしゅ) - aftershocks

* yuushutsuhin (ゆうしゅつひん) - evacuation route

* kyukyu jishin (きゅうきゅうじしん) - emergency earthquake alert

**Actions and Feelings:**

* bisan (ひさん) - devastated

* nanmin (なんみん) - refugee

* gyouzai (ぎょうざい) - injured

* shoushitsu (しょうしつ) - loss of life

* kyuumei (きゅうめい) - rescue

* ganbatte (がんばって) - stay strong

* arigatou (ありがとう) - thank you

* ganbare (がんばれ) - do your best

**Organizations and Resources:**

* soumushou (そうむしょう) - Cabinet Office

* kishou chou (きしょうちょう) - Japan Meteorological Agency

* jishin kenkyutsu honbu (じしんけんきゅうほんぶ) - Earthquake Research Institute

* jishin bousai shingikai (じしんぼうさいしんぎかい) - Earthquake Disaster Prevention Council

* nihon sekigun (にほんせきぐん) - Japan Self-Defense Forces

**Additional Phrases:**

* jishin ga okimashita (じしんがおきました) - An earthquake has occurred.

* taishusei o totte kudasai (たいせいをとってください) - Please take cover.

* koui o oshiete kudasai (こういをおしえてください) - Please tell me the evacuation route.

* daijobu desu ka? (だいじょうぶですか?) - Are you alright?

2. Today's topic

The earthquake in Japan 

On January 1, 2024, a powerful earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Japan's Ishikawa Prefecture. Here's a breakdown of the event:

**Magnitude and epicenter:**

* The earthquake measured 7.6 on the moment magnitude scale (MJMA), classified as a "major" earthquake.

* The epicenter was located approximately 7 kilometers north-northwest of Suzu, Noto Peninsula.


* The earthquake caused widespread shaking, reaching a maximum intensity of Shindo 7 (the highest level) in Ishikawa Prefecture. This intensity is equivalent to IX on the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale, indicating violent shaking capable of causing significant damage.

* At least two people were killed, hundreds injured, and thousands displaced from their homes.

* Several buildings collapsed, infrastructure sustained damage, and power outages occurred across the affected region.

**Tsunami and aftershocks:**

* Minor tsunami waves were generated, reaching up to 1 meter in height along the west coast of Japan.

* Numerous aftershocks continued for days following the initial quake, adding to the disruption and anxiety.

**Response and recovery:**

* Japanese authorities responded quickly, mobilizing emergency personnel and resources to search for survivors, provide medical aid, and begin infrastructure repairs.

* International aid also poured in to support recovery efforts.


* This earthquake highlights the ongoing seismic activity in Japan, a country situated on the boundary of multiple tectonic plates.

* The event serves as a reminder of the importance of preparedness and resilience in communities prone to earthquakes.

**Current situation:**

* As of today, January 28, 2024, recovery efforts are ongoing in the affected areas. Buildings are being repaired or rebuilt, infrastructure is being restored, and people are slowly returning to their normal lives.

3- Today’s news

Foreign-born Miss Japan sparks debate on what it means to be Japanese


Over the years, Japan has further opened its doors to foreigners as a way to reverse its declining birthrate, one of the lowest in the world.

someone who doesn't have a drop of Japanese blood and has no trace of Japanese-ness is going to represent Japanese women?"

M4.8 quake hits Tokyo, Kanagawa, other eastern Japan areas


An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.8 struck Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture and other areas in eastern Japan on Sunday morning but there was no danger of a tsunami, the weather agency said.

Friday, 26 January 2024



1. Today's Japanese words

 Here are some useful Japanese vocabulary words related to transportation, along with their romaji pronunciation:

**General Transportation:**

* 乗り物 (norimono): vehicle, conveyance

* 交通 (koutsu): traffic, transportation

* チケット (chiketto): ticket

* 運賃 (unchin): fare

* 駅 (eki): station

* 乗り場 (noriba): platform

* 降車場 (geshakuba): stop, bus stop


* 電車 (densha): train

* 地下鉄 (chikatetsu): subway

* 新幹線 (shinkansen): bullet train

* 在来線 (zairaisen): local train

* 急行 (kyukou): express train

* 普通 (futsuu): ordinary train (stops at all stations)

* グリーン車 (guriin sha): Green Car (first-class carriage)


* バス (basu): bus

* 高速バス (kousokubus): highway bus

* 路線バス (rosen basu): route bus

*停留所 (teiryuujo): bus stop


* タクシー (takushii): taxi

* フェリー (ferii): ferry

* 飛行機 (hikooki): airplane

* 自転車 (jitensha): bicycle

* 徒歩 (toho): on foot

2. Today's topic

The Japanese transportation system is renowned for its efficiency, cleanliness, and punctuality. It's a complex network that caters to various needs, from whizzing across the country on bullet trains to navigating bustling city streets on subways and buses. Here's a breakdown of the main modes of transportation in Japan:


* **Shinkansen:** The crown jewel of Japan's transportation system, Shinkansen, also known as bullet trains, connect major cities at breakneck speeds, reaching up to 320 km/h. They're renowned for their sleek design, smooth rides, and impeccable on-time performance.

* **Regular Trains:** These cater to local and regional travel, offering a slower but more affordable alternative to Shinkansen. They come in various types, from express trains stopping at major stations to local trains serving every stop.


* **Highway Buses:** These connect cities and towns not served by Shinkansen, particularly in rural areas. They're a budget-friendly option, though journey times can be longer.

* **Metro and Subway:** Major cities like Tokyo and Osaka have extensive metro and subway networks, perfect for navigating urban landscapes. They're efficient, affordable, and run frequently.

* **City Buses:** City buses provide essential local transportation within urban areas. They're generally reliable and cover a wide range of destinations.

**Other Modes:**

* **Taxis:** Taxis are readily available in cities and towns, offering a convenient option for short trips or late-night travel. However, they can be expensive compared to public transportation.

* **Rental Cars:** Renting a car can be a good option for exploring rural areas or venturing off the beaten path. However, be aware of driving challenges like narrow roads and limited parking.

* **Ferries:** Ferries connect many islands and coastal areas, offering a scenic and relaxing way to travel. They're also essential for reaching remote destinations.

* **Bicycles:** Cycling is a popular way to get around in cities and towns. Many areas have dedicated bicycle lanes and rental options are readily available.

**Planning Your Trip:**

Using Japan's transportation system effectively requires some planning. Here are some helpful tips:

* **Japan Rail Pass:** If you're planning on extensive train travel, consider purchasing a Japan Rail Pass, which offers unlimited travel on JR Group trains, including most Shinkansen.

* **Hyperdia:** Use Hyperdia, a popular online tool, to plan your train journeys. It provides detailed information on schedules, fares, and connections.

* **Local Transportation:** Research local transportation options in your destination city, such as metro tickets or bus passes.

* **Etiquette:** Be mindful of Japanese transportation etiquette, such as queuing politely, avoiding talking loudly on your phone, and giving up seats for the elderly or pregnant.

3- Today’s news

Why Japanese firms not keen on Malaysia's bullet train project


It was reported that Japanese companies had withdrawn their bids to build the KL-Singapore HSR due to worries about the Malaysian government's lack of funding support.

they concluded that investing would be too risky without government support.

Look at what the Japanese are doing in India. In India, the government bears direct responsibility for railway development, whereas in Malaysia, funding must come from private sources," the source said.

Namahage ogres roar at New Year’s but face changing times


One loomed over a small child and growled, “Aren’t you playing video games all the time? Aren’t you watching YouTube all the time?”

The child didn’t know how to answer, so the rest of the family chimed in, “You know, this little one is working hard!”

Thursday, 25 January 2024


1. Today's Japanese words

Here's some Japanese vocabulary related to soccer/football with romaji:

**General terms:**

* **サッカー (sakkā):** Soccer/football
[Image of Soccer ball]
* **試合 (shiai):** Match
* **選手 (senshu):** Player
* **監督 (kantoku):** Manager/coach
* **応援 (ōen):** Support/cheering
* **ユニフォーム (yunifōmu):** Uniform
* **ゴール (gōru):** Goal
* **シュート (shūto):** Shot
* **パス (pasu):** Pass
* **ドリブル (doriburu):** Dribble
* **タックル (takkuru):** Tackle
* **反則 (hansoku):** Foul
* **カード (kādo):** Card (yellow/red)
* **PK (penalty kicku):** Penalty kick


* **GK (gōrukīpā):** Goalkeeper
* **DF (difensā):** Defender
* **MF (middo furītā):** Midfielder
* **FW (forwādo):** Forward

**Team and fan terms:**

* **チーム (chīmu):** Team
* **サポーター (sapōtā):** Supporter
* **クラブ (kurabu):** Club
* **リーグ (rīgu):** League
* **スタジアム (sutajiamu):** Stadium


* **プレーする (purē suru):** To play
* **勝つ (katsu):** To win
* **負ける (makeru):** To lose
* **点を決める (ten o kimeru):** To score a goal
* **シュートを打つ (shūto o utsu):** To take a shot
* **パスを出す (pasu o dasu):** To make a pass
* **ドリブルする (doriburu suru):** To dribble
* **応援する (ōen suru):** To cheer


* **ハーフタイム (hāfutaimu):** Half-time
* **延長戦 (enchōsen):** Extra time
* **PK戦 (penalty kicku sen):** Penalty shootout
* **オフサイド (ofusaito):** Offside
* **イエローカード (ierō kādo):** Yellow card
* **レッドカード (reddo kādo):** Red card

2. Today's topic
Soccer, known as football in Japan, is one of the most popular sports in the country, enjoyed by people of all ages and genders. Its popularity has risen significantly since the late 20th century, and today, Japan boasts a well-developed football scene with professional leagues, strong national teams, and a passionate fan base.

**History of Football in Japan:**

* **Early introduction:** Football was first introduced to Japan in the late 19th century by British sailors and teachers. The first official match is believed to have taken place in 1888.
* **Amateur beginnings:** For many decades, football remained an amateur sport in Japan. However, its popularity gradually grew, especially after World War II.
* **Professionalization and rise in popularity:** The turning point came in the 1990s with the establishment of the J.League, Japan's professional football league. This led to increased investment, improved infrastructure, and a higher level of play. The success of the J.League further boosted the sport's popularity, making it a mainstream phenomenon in Japan.

**Structure of Football in Japan:**

* **J.League:** The J.League is the top tier of professional football in Japan. It consists of three divisions: J1, J2, and J3. J1 is the most prestigious, with 18 teams competing for the championship title.
* **Japan Football Association (JFA):** The JFA is the governing body for football in Japan. It oversees all levels of the sport, from professional leagues to grassroots programs.
* **National teams:** Japan has national teams for both men and women. The men's team, nicknamed the "Samurai Blue," has qualified for the FIFA World Cup seven times in a row, reaching the knockout stage in four of those tournaments. The women's team, known as "Nadeshiko Japan," won the FIFA Women's World Cup in 2011, a historic achievement for Asian football.

**Reasons for Football's Popularity in Japan:**

* **Exciting and fast-paced game:** Football's inherent appeal as a thrilling and dynamic sport resonates with many Japanese fans.
* **Success of national teams:** The achievements of the Samurai Blue and Nadeshiko Japan have inspired national pride and fueled the sport's popularity.
* **Strong youth development:** Japan has a strong system for developing young footballers, with numerous academies and training programs across the country.
* **Positive fan culture:** Japanese football fans are known for their passionate support and respectful behavior, creating a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere at matches.

**Football's Future in Japan:**

Football continues to grow and evolve in Japan. The J.League is constantly striving to improve the quality of play and attract international talent. The national teams aim to build on their past successes and compete at the highest level. With a dedicated fanbase and a strong foundation, the future of football in Japan looks bright.

3- Today’s news
Indonesian man dies while in police custody north of Tokyo
But the police thought his condition did not require hospitalization based on medical examinations.
Yoshinori Mimori, chief of the police station, said he believes the police had dealt with the situation "appropriately."

Japan, Iraq secure spot in round of 16 as Indonesia await their fate

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

上を向いて歩こう (Ue wo Muite Arukou) / SUKIYAKI

上を向いて歩こう (Ue wo Muite Arukou) / SUKIYAKI 

坂本九 (Kyu Sakamoto) 


Japanese lyrics

Ue o muite arukou

Namida ga koborenai you ni

Omoidasu haru no hi

Hitoribotchi no yoru

Ue o muite arukou

Nijinda hoshi o kazoete

Omoidasu natsu no hi

Hitoribotchi no yoru

Shiawase wa kumo no ue ni

Shiawase wa sora no ue ni

Ue o muite arukou

Namida ga koborenai you ni

Nakinagara aruku

Hitoribotchi no yoru


Omoidasu aki no hi

Hitoribotchi no yoru

Kanashimi wa hoshi no kage ni

Kanashimi wa tsuki no kage ni

Ue o muite arukou

Namida ga koborenai you ni

Nakinagara aruku

Hitoribochi no yoru

Hitoribochi no yoru

I look up as I walk

So the tear won’t fall

Remembering those spring days

But I am all alone tonight

English meaning

I look up as I walk

Counting the stars with tearful eyes

Remembering those summer days

But I am all alone tonight

Happiness lies up above the clouds

Happiness lies up in the sky

I look up as I walk

So that the tears won’t fall

Though the tears well up as I walk

For tonight I am all alone


Remembering those autumn days

But I am all alone tonight

Sadness lies in the shadow of the stars

Sadness lurks in the shadow of the moon

I look up as I walk

So that the tears won’t fall

Though the tears well up as I walk

But I am all alone tonight.

But I am all alone tonight

Anger 怒り


(When asked by a program staff member, "Do you ever get very angry (at someone)?", Mr. Sanma immediately answered, "No, I don't.

I don't have jealousy toward others. I am not overconfident either.

One of the factors that make me angry at others is when they behave or speak in a way that does not conform to my values or expectations.

In other words, if you try to act in a way that is friendly to the other person, you will never offend them in the first place.

The staff member then asked, ``If you think that way, don't you get angry at other people?''

 I don't get angry, I don't get angry.

 I'm not so great that I get angry. Not that great.

 People who get angry and want to get angry think they're superior, aren't they?

 For Sanma, this statement sounds like he is saying that he cannot take out his anger on others unless he has ``overconfidence'' that his own ideas are correct.

 However, the studio was filled with sighs of admiration at Sanma's opinion that he was not a great person to be able to impose his ideas on others.











最も大切なことは The most important thing is



The most important thing is "How do we have the courage to take a bold step forward in a situation where we have no idea whether it will work or not. Rather, how do we have the courage to take the risk of forcing ourselves to step out in the face of the possibility that we will probably fail?

心の友 Kokoro no tomo

 Mayumi Itsuwa Kokorono Tomo song lyrics

Anata kara kurushimi o ubaeta sono toki

When I stole the pain from you, that time

Watashi nimo ikiteyuku yuuki nga waite kuru

the courage to live flowed inside of me too

Anata to deau made wa kodoku na sasurai-bito

Until I met you I was a lonely 

Sono te no nukumori o kanji sasete

Let me feel the warmth in your hand

Ai wa itsumo rarabai

Love is always a lullaby

Tabi ni tsukareta toki

When you become tired of the journey

Tada kokoro no tomo to

With the friend in your heart

Watashi o yonde

Call me

Shinjiau kokoro sae dokoka ni wasurete

Forgetting about believing each other

Hito wa naze su'ngita hi no shiawase oikakeru

Why do people chase the peaceful days that have gone by

Shisuka ni mabuta tojite kokoro no doa o hiraki

Closing my eyelids quietly, opening the door of my heart

Watashi o tsukandara namida huite

Once you grab me, wipe away my tears

Ai wa itsumo rarabai

Love is always a lullaby

Anata nga yowai toki

When you are weak

Tada kokoro no tomo to

With the friend in your heart

Watashi o yonde

Call me

Ai wa itsumo rarabai

Love is always a lullaby

Tabi ni tsukareta toki

When you become tired of the journey

Tada kokoro no tomo to

With the friend in your heart

Watashi o yonde

Call me

Is Japan 'the least helpful country in the world'? 

 Is Japan 'the least helpful country in the world'? 

Researchers point to 'Japanese people's reservedness' as the cause.

日本は「世界で最も助け合わない国」? 研究者が指摘する原因は「日本人の遠慮」


``Hard work'', ``politeness'', ``kindness'', and ``hospitality'', as well as careful attention to detail, must have been the national characteristics of the Japanese people.

Not helping out due to the Japanese's characteristic 'reticence'.

I think what both issues have in common is a sense of ``reticence'' that is unique to Japanese people. A typical case is the ``transfer seat problem.'' If you want someone to give up your seat, you should just be able to honestly express your feelings to the other person, but you can't do that because you're afraid of inconveniencing the other person or making people think you're being presumptuous.

There are many stories of elderly people becoming angry when their seats are given up to young people.

-- When I entered my 60s and was offered my seat, I was shocked and wondered, "Do I look that old?" I thanked him and sat down, but..

I think that the Japanese people's ``restraint'' toward each other has led to the fact that Japan is the country that least helps each other.

自分を大切にする Take care of yourself


Take care of yourself






What you decide for yourself will support you.

There is only one person in the world.

 What you do is both for someone else and for yourself.  

Life depends on how you perceive it, so I want to live my life with a smile on my face.

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Musik dengan Romaji:


1. Kata-kata bahasa Jepang hari ini

  ## Kosakata Bahasa Jepang tentang Musik dengan Romaji:

  **Istilah musik umum:**

  * Musik (ongaku): musik

  * Instrumen (gakki): instrumen

  * melodi: melodi

  * Harmoni (hāmonī): harmoni

  * Irama: ritme

  * Tempo : tempo

  * Lirik (kashi): lirik

  * Komposisi (sakkyoku): komposisi

  * Kinerja (ensō): kinerja

  * bernyanyi: bernyanyi

  * bermain (enso suru): memainkan alat musik

  **Genre dan gaya:**

  * Klasik (kurashikku): klasik

  * Muncul (poppusu): pop

  * Batu (rokku): batu

  *Jazz: jazz

  * biru (burūsu): biru

  * Hip Hop: Hip Hop

  * Musik elektronik (denshi ongaku): musik elektronik

  * Lingkungan: lingkungan

  * Lagu daerah (fōkusongu): lagu daerah

  **Hubungan dengan musik:**

  * pencinta musik (ongaku suki): pencinta musik

  * musisi (ongakukuā): musisi

  * Penyanyi (kashu): penyanyi

  * Komposer (sakkyokuka): komposer

  * Konduktor (shikisha): konduktor

  * penggemar: penggemar

  * Langsung (raivu): konser langsung

  *Album (arubamu): album

  * Lajang (shinguru): lajang

  **Kata kerja dan frasa tambahan:**

  * Dengarkan (kiku): mendengarkan

  * bermain (hiku): memainkan (instrumen)

  * bernyanyi: bernyanyi

  * Suka (suki): menyukai

  * menyenangkan (tanoshī): untuk dinikmati

  * dipindahkan (kandō suru): dipindahkan

  2. Topik hari ini

  Berikut beberapa lagu Jepang populer untuk berbagai level, beserta namanya.


  * **"Lagu AIUEO"**: Lagu klasik ini mengajarkan Anda hiragana, alfabet dasar Jepang, dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan menarik.

  * **"Lagu untuk Belajar Bahasa Jepang" oleh Mihara Keigo**: Lagu ini memperkenalkan salam dasar dan struktur kalimat dengan cara yang sederhana dan ceria.

  * **"Itsudemo Nando Demo" (Kapan Saja dan Lagi):** Lagu anak-anak ini berarti "Selalu dan Lagi" dan menggunakan kosa kata dan pengulangan yang sederhana.

  [Gambar Demo Itsudemo Nando]

  * **"Yubi Kiri Genkin-san":** Lagu anak-anak yang lucu ini diterjemahkan menjadi "Mr. Snip-Fingers" dan menceritakan kisah dua orang teman yang membuat janji kelingking.

  **Pelajar Menengah:**

  * **"Snow Halation" oleh μ's (Love Live!)**: Lagu pembuka anime ikonik dari Love Live! School Idol Project ini menarik dan penuh energi.

  ​(Pen-Nanas-Apple-Pen)" oleh Pikotaro**: Lagu konyol dan viral ini adalah cara menyenangkan untuk mempelajari beberapa kosakata dasar.

  * **"Pretender" oleh Official Hige Dandism**: Balada lembut dari Official Hige Dandism ini adalah pilihan populer untuk karaoke dan pembelajaran bahasa.

  [Gambar Pretender oleh Official Hige Dandism]

  * **"Shin Takarajima" (Shin Takarajima):** Lagu J-pop klasik dari X JAPAN ini adalah pilihan yang cocok untuk pelajar tingkat menengah yang ingin menantang diri mereka sendiri dengan tempo yang lebih cepat dan lirik yang lebih kompleks.

  **Pelajar Tingkat Lanjut:**

  * **"Sakete Miru" (coba hindari):** Balada indah karya Yumi Matsutoya ini mengeksplorasi tema cinta dan kehilangan.

  * **"Hana wa Sakura Mama wa Niki" (Hana wa Sakura Mama wa Niki):** Lagu rakyat tradisional Jepang ini merupakan penghormatan yang mengharukan untuk para ibu.

  * **"Maware! Setsgetsuka" (Maware! Tsuki Sekai):** Lagu rap energik dari K DUB SHINE ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk melatih pemahaman mendengarkan dan bahasa gaul.

  3- Berita hari ini

  90% korban jiwa akibat gempa Noto disebabkan oleh bangunan yang roboh


  Pada tanggal 22 Januari, 233 kematian telah dikonfirmasi, termasuk kematian yang disebabkan secara tidak langsung oleh gempa tersebut.

  Pesawat luar angkasa bulan mengirimkan data pendaratan, tetapi membutuhkan sinar matahari untuk bangkit kembali


  Badan antariksa Jepang mengumumkan pada 22 Januari bahwa wahana antariksanya, yang mendarat di bulan dua hari sebelumnya, telah mengirimkan data dan gambar penerbangan kembali ke Bumi.

  Badan Eksplorasi Dirgantara Jepang (JAXA) sedang menganalisis data yang diharapkan dapat mengkonfirmasi pendaratan tepat wahana Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM), dalam jarak 100 meter dari lokasi target.




 ## 关于音乐的日语罗马字词汇:


 * 音乐(ongaku):音乐

 * 乐器(gakki):乐器

 * 旋律:旋律



 * 节奏:节奏


 * 作曲(sakkyoku):作曲

 * 表演(ensō):表演

 * 唱:唱歌

 * 演奏 (enso suru): 演奏乐器


 * 经典(kurashikku):古典

 * 流行音乐(poppusu):流行音乐

 * 摇滚(rokku):摇滚

 * 爵士乐:爵士乐



 * 电子音乐(denshi ongaku):电子音乐

 * 环境:环境

 * 民歌(fōkusongu):民歌


 * 音乐爱好者(ongaku suki):音乐爱好者



 * 作曲家(sakkyokuka):作曲家

 * 指挥(shikisha):指挥

 * 风扇:风扇

 * 现场(raivu):现场音乐会

 * 专辑(arubamu):专辑

 * 单人(shinguru):单人


 * 听(kiku):听

 * 演奏 (hiku): 演奏(一种乐器)

 * 唱:唱歌


 * 乐趣 (tanoshī):享受

 * 被移动 (kandō suru): 被移动




 * **“AIUEO Song”**:这本经典著作以有趣且朗朗上口的方式教您平假名(基本的日语字母)。

 * **三原圭吾的《日语学习歌》**:这首歌曲以简单而欢快的方式介绍了基本的问候语和句子结构。

 * **“Itsudemo Nando Demo”(Anytime and Again):** 这首儿歌的意思是“Always and Again”,使用简单的词汇和重复。

 [Itsudemo Nando 演示图片]

 * **“Yubi Kiri Genkin-san”:** 这首俏皮的儿歌翻译为“Mr. Snip-Fingers”,讲述了两个朋友许下小指承诺的故事。


 * **μ's (Love Live!) 的《Snow Halation》**:这首来自 Love Live! 学园偶像计划的标志性动画片头曲朗朗上口,充满活力。


 * **Official Hige Dandism 的《Pretender》**:Official Hige Dandism 的这首柔和的民谣是卡拉 OK 和语言学习的热门选择。

 [官方Hige Dandism 的伪装者形象]

 * **“Shin Takarajima”(Shin Takarajima):** X JAPAN 的这首经典 J-pop 歌曲对于想要用更快的节奏和更复杂的歌词挑战自己的中级学习者来说是一个很好的选择。


 * **“Sakete Miru”(尽量避免):** 这首由 Yumi Matsutoya 创作的优美民谣探讨了爱与失落的主题。

 * **《花樱妈妈瓦妮基》(Hana wa Sakura Mama wa Niki):** 这首日本传统民歌是对母亲的感人致敬。

 * **“Maware!Setsgetsuka”(Maware!Tsuki Sekai):** K DUB SHINE 创作的这首充满活力的说唱歌曲是练习听力理解和俚语的好方法。


 能登地震死亡人数中 90% 是由建筑物倒塌造成的






 日本宇宙航空研究开发机构 (JAXA) 正在分析数据,预计将确认月球勘测智能着陆器 (SLIM) 探测器在距目标位置 100 米范围内精确着陆。

Music with Romaji:

 1. Today's Japanese words

## Japanese Vocabulary about Music with Romaji:

**General music terms:**

* 音楽 (ongaku): music

* 楽器 (gakki): instrument

* メロディー (merodī): melody

* ハーモニー (hāmonī): harmony

* リズム (rizumu): rhythm

* テンポ (tenpo): tempo

* 歌詞 (kashi): lyrics

* 作曲 (sakkyoku): composition

* 演奏 (ensō): performance

* 歌う (Utau): to sing

* 演奏する (enso suru): to play an instrument

**Genres and styles:**

* クラシック (kurashikku): classical

* ポップス (poppusu): pop

* ロック (rokku): rock

* ジャズ (jazzu): jazz

* ブルース (burūsu): blues

* ヒップホップ (hippuhofu): hip-hop

* 電子音楽 (denshi ongaku): electronic music

* アンビエント (anbiento): ambient

* フォークソング (fōkusongu): folk song

**Relationships to music:**

* 音楽好き (ongaku suki): music lover

* 音楽家 (ongakukā): musician

* 歌手 (kashu): singer

* 作曲家 (sakkyokuka): composer

* 指揮者 (shikisha): conductor

* ファン (fan): fan

* ライブ (raivu): live concert

* アルバム (arubamu): album

* シングル (shinguru): single

**Additional verbs and phrases:**

* 聴く (kiku): to listen

* 弾く (hiku): to play (an instrument)

* 歌う (うたう): to sing

* 好き (suki): to like

* 楽しい (tanoshī): to enjoy

* 感動する (kandō suru): to be moved

2. Today's topic

Here are some popular Japanese songs for different levels, along with their names.


* **"AIUEO Song"** (あいうえおの歌): This classic teaches you hiragana, the basic Japanese alphabet, in a fun and catchy way. 

* **"Song for Learning Japanese" by Mihara Keigo** (日本語を学ぶうた): This song introduces basic greetings and sentence structures in a simple and upbeat manner.

* **"Itsudemo Nando Demo" (いつでも何度でも):** This children's song means "Always and Again" and uses simple vocabulary and repetition.

[Image of Itsudemo Nando Demo]

* **"Yubi Kiri Genkin-san" (指切りげんきんさん):** This playful children's song translates to "Mr. Snip-Fingers" and tells the story of two friends making a pinky promise.

**Intermediate Learners:**

* **"Snow Halation" by μ's (ラブライブ!)**: This iconic anime opening song from Love Live! School Idol Project is catchy and full of energy.

 (Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen)" by Pikotaro**: This silly and viral song is a fun way to learn some basic vocabulary.

* **"Pretender" by Official髭男dism**: This mellow ballad by Official髭男dism is a popular choice for karaoke and language learning.

[Image of Pretender by Official髭男dism]

* **"Shin Takarajima" (新宝島):** This classic J-pop song by X JAPAN is a great choice for intermediate learners who want to challenge themselves with faster tempos and more complex lyrics.

**Advanced Learners:**

* **"Sakete Miru" (避けてみる):** This beautiful ballad by Yumi Matsutoya explores themes of love and loss.

* **"Hana wa Sakura Mama wa Niki" (花は桜 母はニキ):** This traditional Japanese folk song is a moving tribute to mothers.

* **"Maware! Setsugetsuka" (回れ! 月世界):** This energetic rap song by K DUB SHINE is a great way to practice listening comprehension and slang.

3- Today’s news

 90% of Noto quake fatalities caused by fallen buildings


By Jan. 22, 233 deaths had been confirmed, including those indirectly caused by the quake.

Lunar probe sent landing data, but needs sunlight to reawaken


Japan’s space agency announced on Jan. 22 that its lunar probe, which landed on the moon two days earlier, has transmitted flight data and images back to Earth.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is analyzing data expected to confirm the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) probe’s pinpoint landing, within 100 meters of the target location.

Japanese music for studying Japanese

For the person who are interested in music Use these music to study Japanese

 Search 「Japanese songs with lyrics」



Anata ni aitakute


Kimi ni okuru uta


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We welcome you to visit us and help you explore Japan.

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Saturday, 20 January 2024


 Nabeshima Naomasa

He kept an active hand in the development of Saga Domain, strongly supporting rangaku studies, especially in the fields of western medicine.
He introduced smallpox vaccination into Japan, experimenting first on his own son. In the unsettled Bakumatsu period, Saga emerged as one of the militarily strongest of the Japanese domains,
1-Today’s Japanese language
Japanese Medical Vocabulary
Learning medical vocabulary in Japanese can be helpful for navigating healthcare situations in Japan or simply expanding your knowledge. Here are some essential terms to know:
Body Parts:
頭 (atama) - Head
目 (me) - Eyes
鼻 (hana) - Nose
口 (kuchi) - Mouth
耳 (mimi) - Ears
手 (te) - Hands
足 (ashi) - Feet
お腹 (onaka) - Stomach
胸 (mune) - Chest
Symptoms and Conditions:
熱 (netsu) - Fever
咳 (seki) - Cough
頭痛 (zutsuu) - Headache
腹痛 (fukutsuu) - Stomachache
風邪 (kaze) - Cold
インフルエンザ (infuruenza) - Flu
怪我 (kega) - Injury
病気 (byoki) - Sickness
医者 (isha) - Doctor
看護師 (kango-shi) - Nurse
薬剤師 (yak剤師) - Pharmacist
病院 (byouin) - Hospital
薬局 (yakkyoku) - Pharmacy
診察 (shinsatsu) - Medical examination
薬 (kusuri) - Medicine
錠剤 (jouzai) - Tablet
カプセル (kapuseru) - Capsule
シロップ (shiroppo) - Syrup
2- Today’s news
Vaccination Discovered > Japan
Taking Public Health Into Your Own Hands
This vaccination campaign was supported by regional daimyos, such as Nabeshima Naomasa, the Lord of Saga domain, who sent his personal physician and eldest son to Nagasaki to receive and return with the vaccine as soon as he had heard of its arrival.
Bodhisattva Rescuing a Child from the Smallpox Demon

Different ある and いる

"Aru" and "iru" are two essential Japanese verbs that often cause confusion for learners. Both can be translated as ...