Sunday, 28 January 2024

jJishin (じしん) - earthquake


1. Today's Japanese words

 ## Japanese Earthquake-Related Vocabulary (Romaji):


* jishin (じしん) - earthquake

* taishinsai (たいしんさい) - disaster response

* higai (ひがい) - damage

* gisai (ぎせい) - casualty

* bousai (ぼうさい) - disaster prevention

* shindo (しんど) - seismic intensity scale (1-7)

**Specific Terms:**

* genshin (げんしん) - epicenter

* kaishin (かいしん) - hypocenter

* yure (ゆれ) - shaking

* tsunami (つなみ) - tsunami

* yudan (ゆだん) - complacency

* kakuka (かくと) - fault activation

* jishin gyakushu (じしんぎゃくしゅ) - aftershocks

* yuushutsuhin (ゆうしゅつひん) - evacuation route

* kyukyu jishin (きゅうきゅうじしん) - emergency earthquake alert

**Actions and Feelings:**

* bisan (ひさん) - devastated

* nanmin (なんみん) - refugee

* gyouzai (ぎょうざい) - injured

* shoushitsu (しょうしつ) - loss of life

* kyuumei (きゅうめい) - rescue

* ganbatte (がんばって) - stay strong

* arigatou (ありがとう) - thank you

* ganbare (がんばれ) - do your best

**Organizations and Resources:**

* soumushou (そうむしょう) - Cabinet Office

* kishou chou (きしょうちょう) - Japan Meteorological Agency

* jishin kenkyutsu honbu (じしんけんきゅうほんぶ) - Earthquake Research Institute

* jishin bousai shingikai (じしんぼうさいしんぎかい) - Earthquake Disaster Prevention Council

* nihon sekigun (にほんせきぐん) - Japan Self-Defense Forces

**Additional Phrases:**

* jishin ga okimashita (じしんがおきました) - An earthquake has occurred.

* taishusei o totte kudasai (たいせいをとってください) - Please take cover.

* koui o oshiete kudasai (こういをおしえてください) - Please tell me the evacuation route.

* daijobu desu ka? (だいじょうぶですか?) - Are you alright?

2. Today's topic

The earthquake in Japan 

On January 1, 2024, a powerful earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Japan's Ishikawa Prefecture. Here's a breakdown of the event:

**Magnitude and epicenter:**

* The earthquake measured 7.6 on the moment magnitude scale (MJMA), classified as a "major" earthquake.

* The epicenter was located approximately 7 kilometers north-northwest of Suzu, Noto Peninsula.


* The earthquake caused widespread shaking, reaching a maximum intensity of Shindo 7 (the highest level) in Ishikawa Prefecture. This intensity is equivalent to IX on the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale, indicating violent shaking capable of causing significant damage.

* At least two people were killed, hundreds injured, and thousands displaced from their homes.

* Several buildings collapsed, infrastructure sustained damage, and power outages occurred across the affected region.

**Tsunami and aftershocks:**

* Minor tsunami waves were generated, reaching up to 1 meter in height along the west coast of Japan.

* Numerous aftershocks continued for days following the initial quake, adding to the disruption and anxiety.

**Response and recovery:**

* Japanese authorities responded quickly, mobilizing emergency personnel and resources to search for survivors, provide medical aid, and begin infrastructure repairs.

* International aid also poured in to support recovery efforts.


* This earthquake highlights the ongoing seismic activity in Japan, a country situated on the boundary of multiple tectonic plates.

* The event serves as a reminder of the importance of preparedness and resilience in communities prone to earthquakes.

**Current situation:**

* As of today, January 28, 2024, recovery efforts are ongoing in the affected areas. Buildings are being repaired or rebuilt, infrastructure is being restored, and people are slowly returning to their normal lives.

3- Today’s news

Foreign-born Miss Japan sparks debate on what it means to be Japanese

Over the years, Japan has further opened its doors to foreigners as a way to reverse its declining birthrate, one of the lowest in the world.

someone who doesn't have a drop of Japanese blood and has no trace of Japanese-ness is going to represent Japanese women?"

M4.8 quake hits Tokyo, Kanagawa, other eastern Japan areas

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.8 struck Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefecture and other areas in eastern Japan on Sunday morning but there was no danger of a tsunami, the weather agency said.

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