Saturday, 20 January 2024


 Nabeshima Naomasa

He kept an active hand in the development of Saga Domain, strongly supporting rangaku studies, especially in the fields of western medicine.
He introduced smallpox vaccination into Japan, experimenting first on his own son. In the unsettled Bakumatsu period, Saga emerged as one of the militarily strongest of the Japanese domains,
1-Today’s Japanese language
Japanese Medical Vocabulary
Learning medical vocabulary in Japanese can be helpful for navigating healthcare situations in Japan or simply expanding your knowledge. Here are some essential terms to know:
Body Parts:
頭 (atama) - Head
目 (me) - Eyes
鼻 (hana) - Nose
口 (kuchi) - Mouth
耳 (mimi) - Ears
手 (te) - Hands
足 (ashi) - Feet
お腹 (onaka) - Stomach
胸 (mune) - Chest
Symptoms and Conditions:
熱 (netsu) - Fever
咳 (seki) - Cough
頭痛 (zutsuu) - Headache
腹痛 (fukutsuu) - Stomachache
風邪 (kaze) - Cold
インフルエンザ (infuruenza) - Flu
怪我 (kega) - Injury
病気 (byoki) - Sickness
医者 (isha) - Doctor
看護師 (kango-shi) - Nurse
薬剤師 (yak剤師) - Pharmacist
病院 (byouin) - Hospital
薬局 (yakkyoku) - Pharmacy
診察 (shinsatsu) - Medical examination
薬 (kusuri) - Medicine
錠剤 (jouzai) - Tablet
カプセル (kapuseru) - Capsule
シロップ (shiroppo) - Syrup
2- Today’s news
Vaccination Discovered > Japan
Taking Public Health Into Your Own Hands
This vaccination campaign was supported by regional daimyos, such as Nabeshima Naomasa, the Lord of Saga domain, who sent his personal physician and eldest son to Nagasaki to receive and return with the vaccine as soon as he had heard of its arrival.
Bodhisattva Rescuing a Child from the Smallpox Demon

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