Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Greetings (あいさつ - aisatsu)

 1. Today's Japanese words

-Greetings (あいさつ - aisatsu)
Konnichiwa (こんにちは) - Hello (during the day)
Ohayō gozaimasu (おはようございます) - Good morning
Konbanwa (こんばんは) - Good evening
Moshi moshi (もしもし) - Hello (on the phone)
I-ntroductions (自己紹介 - jiko しょうかい - jikoshokai)
Hajimemashite (はじめまして) - Nice to meet you
Watashi wa (name) desu (私は(名前)です) - I am (name)
Dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu (どうぞよろしくおねがいします) - Please take care of me (polite way to ask someone to be friends)
-Basic Questions (基本的な質問 - kihon-teki na shitsumon)
Ogenki desu ka? (お元気ですか) - How are you? (polite)
Genki desu (元気です) - I'm fine
Anata wa (name) desu ka? (あなたはどういう名前ですか) - What is your name?
Donna kanji desu ka? (どんな感じですか) - How do you feel? (informal)
-Yes/No Answers (肯定/否定の答え - kakutei/hitei no kotae)
Hai (はい) - Yes
lie (いいえ) - No
-Useful Phrases (便利なフレーズ - benri na fureーzu)
Arigatou gozaimasu (ありがとうございます) - Thank you
Douzo (どうぞ) - Please (offering something)
Sumimasen (すみません) - Excuse me
Wakariません (わかりません) - I don't understand
-Numbers (番号 - bangou)
Kazu (かず) - Number
Hitotsu (一つ) - One
Futatsu (二つ) - Two
Mittsu (三つ) - Three
Yotsu (四つ) - Four
Itsutsu (五つ) - Five

2. Today's topic
In the Japanese business world, greetings are all about respect and hierarchy. Here's a breakdown of the customs and etiquette:

-The Bow:
Bows are the primary way to greet someone in Japan. The deeper the bow, the more respect it shows.
In business settings, a slight bow (15 degrees) is appropriate for greetings and goodbyes.
The junior person (by age or position) initiates the bow and holds it slightly longer than the senior person.
Handshakes are becoming more common, but bowing is still the preferred greeting.
Wait for the senior person to initiate the handshake.
Use a firm but gentle grip, and maintain eye contact.
Verbal Greetings:
Along with bowing, a greeting like "Konnichiwa" (こんにちは - Hello) or "Ohayō gozaimasu" (おはようございます - Good morning) is used.
When meeting a group, greet the highest-ranking person first, followed by others based on seniority.
-Business Cards (Meishi 名刺):
Exchanging business cards is a crucial part of the greeting ritual.
Present your card with both hands, holding it by the bottom corners and text facing the recipient.
Bow slightly as you present and receive the card.
Examine the received card carefully and place it on the table in front of you during the conversation.
-Here are some additional tips:
Maintain proper posture: Stand straight and avoid slouching.
Make eye contact: Shows attentiveness and respect.
Smile: A friendly smile goes a long way.
Use appropriate titles: Address people by their last name and a title like "san" (さん) or "sama" (様) depending on seniority.
3- Today’s news
Japan sees record low births, fertility rate in 2023

Cormorant fishing season starts with a splash in Ehime

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