Friday, 7 June 2024

Omotenashi (おもてなし)


1. Today's Japanese words

## Basic Japanese Vocabulary about Omotenashi (おもてなし)

Here's some basic Japanese vocabulary related to Omotenashi, with romaji pronunciation:

* **Omotenashi (おもてなし):** (o-mo-te-na-shi) - Hospitality, wholehearted service

* **Kyaku (客):** (きゃく) - (kyaku) - Guest

* **Taisetsu (大切):** (たいせつ) - (taisetsu) - Important, cherished

* **Yoi kokoro (良い心):** (よいこころ) - (yoi kokoro) - Good heart, sincerity

* **Ki niiru (気にいる):** (きにいる) - (ki niiru) - To please someone, to be liked

* **Yaru (やる):** (やる) - (yaru) - To do, to provide

* **Tsutomeru (努める):** (つとめる) - (tsutomeru) - To strive for, to make an effort

* **Kirei (きれい):** (きれい) - (kirei) - Clean, beautiful (referring to the environment)

* **Reigi (礼儀):** (れいぎ) - (reigi) - Manners, etiquette


* **Dozo (どうぞ):** (どうぞ) - (dozo) - Please (offering something)

* **Arigatou gozaimasu (ありがとうございます):** (ありがとうござます) - (arigatou gozaimasu) - Thank you

* **Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (よろしくおねがいします):** (よろしくおねがいします) - (yoroshiku onegaishimasu) - Please take care of me (used when asking for something)

2. Today's topic

Omotenashi(おもてなし)is a Japanese concept that goes beyond just typical hospitality. It's a deep-rooted philosophy centered around providing the absolute best service and care to guests, with a genuine desire to ensure their happiness and well-being.

Here are some key aspects of omotenashi:

* **Selfless service:** Omotenashi emphasizes anticipating a guest's needs and fulfilling them even before they're asked. It's about going the extra mile to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.

* **Sincerity:** Genuine care and attentiveness are at the heart of omotenashi. It's not just about following procedures, but about truly wanting the guest to feel welcome and comfortable.

* **Attention to detail:** Omotenashi involves meticulous attention to every detail, from the physical environment to the way things are presented.

* **Respect:** Omotenashi is steeped in respect for the guest. Politeness, courtesy, and honoring social etiquette are all important aspects.

You'll experience omotenashi in many aspects of Japanese life, from the renowned service at ryokans (traditional Japanese inns) to the punctual and efficient train system. It's a philosophy that permeates Japanese culture and contributes to the country's reputation for gracious hospitality.

3- Today’s news

Employees of quake-hit ryokan show hospitality across the nation

‘Drive Shikoku’ lives up to its name as ultimate travel guide

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