Sunday, 19 May 2024

謙譲語 (kenjougo)


1. Today's Japanese words

Here are some basic Japanese vocabulary words related to history and culture, along with their romaji spelling:

* 歴史 (rekishi) - history

* 文化 (bunka) - culture

* 時代 (jidai) - era, period

* 古代 (kodai) - ancient times

* 中世(chusei)medieval times 

* 近代 (kindai) - modern times

* 現代 (gendai) - contemporary times

* 天皇 (tennō) - emperor

* 武士 (bushi) - samurai warrior

* 城 (shiro) - castle

* 神社 (jinja) - Shinto shrine

* 寺 (tera) - temple


* 文明 (ぶんめい, bunmei) - civilization

* 伝統 (でんとう, dentou) - tradition

* 発展 (はってん, hatten) - development

* 芸術 (げいじゅつ, geijutsu) - art

* 宗教 (しゅうきょう, shūkyō) - religion

* 哲学 (てつがく, tetsugaku) - philosophy

* 考古学 (こうこがく, kōkogaku) - archaeology

**Government and Society:**

* 政府 (せいふ, seifu) - government

* 社会 (しゃかい, shakai) - society

* 政治 (せいじ, seiji) - politics

* 法律 (ほうりつ, hōritsu) - law

* 貨幣 (かへい, kahei) - currency

**Daily Life:**

* 衣食住 (いしょくじゅう, ishokujū) - food, clothing, and shelter (basic necessities)

* 生活 (せいかつ, seikatsu) - life, living

* 風習 (ふうしゅう, fūshū) - custom

* 文化祭 (ぶんかさい, bunkasai) - cultural festival


* 博物館 (はくぶつかん, hakubutsukan) - museum

* 遺跡 (いせき, iseki) - ruins, historical site

* 温泉 (おんせん, onsen) - hot spring


* 昔 (むかし, mukashi) - in the past, once

* 今 (いま, ima) - now

* ずっと (ずっと, zutto) - always, for a long time

2. Today's topic

**謙譲語 (kenjougo)**, also known as humble speech, is a type of polite Japanese used to express humility and respect towards the listener. It is typically used when the speaker is talking about their own actions or abilities, and it is often used in conjunction with other types of polite language, such as **尊敬語 (soukeigo)** or honorific language.

**There are three main ways to form 謙譲語:**

1. **Adding the prefix お (o) or ご (go) to the verb stem:** This is the most common way to form 謙譲語. The prefix **お (o)** is used with native Japanese verbs (和語), while the prefix **ご (go)** is used with Sino-Japanese verbs (漢語). 

2. **Using special 謙譲語 verbs:** There are a number of special verbs that are only used in 謙譲語. For example, the verb **申し上げる** (mōshiageru) means "to say" or "to tell," 

3. **Using the ていただく construction:** This construction is used to express that the speaker is allowing the listener to do something for them. For example, the sentence **お茶を入れていただけますか?** (ocha o irete itadakemasu ka?) means "Could you please pour me some tea?"

**Here are some examples of 謙譲語 in use:**

* **写真をお撮りしましょうか?** (shashin o o-tori shimashou ka?) - "May I take your picture?"

* **学校内をご案内します。** (gakkounai o goannai shimasu.) - "I will show you around the school."

* **何かあったらご相談します。** (nanika attara gousou shimasu.) - "Please let me know if you need anything."

**謙譲語** is an important part of Japanese politeness, and it is essential to use it correctly in order to show respect to your superiors. 

3- Today’s news

Sanja festival in Asakusa features first children’s ‘mikoshi’ shrine

Kamikawa rises in polls as most suitable for next prime minister

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