Saturday, 18 May 2024

Japanese Present and Past Tense

1. Today's Japanese words

Here's some basic Japanese vocabulary about samurai with romaji:

* **Samurai (侍 - samurai):** The warrior class of feudal Japan.

* **Bushido (武士道 - bushidō):** The code of honor followed by samurai.

* **Daimyo (大名 - daimyō):** A feudal lord who samurai served.

* **Katana (刀 - katana):** The curved sword carried by samurai.

* **Wakizashi (脇差し - wakizashi):** A shorter sword worn by samurai along with the katana.

* **Kimono (着物 - kimono):** Traditional Japanese clothing, also worn by samurai.

* **Dojo (道場 - dōjō):** A training hall for martial arts, where samurai practiced swordsmanship.

**Samurai Life:**

* **Bushido (武士道 - bushidō):** The "way of the warrior," samurai code of honor emphasizing loyalty, courage, frugality, and respect.

* **Sepukku (切腹 - seppuku):** Ritual suicide by disembowelment, sometimes practiced by samurai to preserve honor.

* **Geisha (芸者 - geisha):** Female entertainers, sometimes associated with samurai entertainment.

**Samurai Equipment:**

* **Yumi (弓 - yumi):** Japanese longbow, a weapon used by samurai archers.

* **Yumiya (弓矢 - yumiya):** Combination of yumi (bow) and ya (arrow).

* **Kabuto (兜 - kabuto):** Samurai helmet, often decorated with crests.

* **Men (面 - men):** Face mask worn as part of samurai armor.

* **Do (胴 - dō):** Chest armor worn by samurai.

* **Guntai (軍隊 - guntai):** Samurai army.

**Other Related Terms:**

* **Shogun (将軍 - shōgun):** The military leader of feudal Japan, above the daimyo.

* **Ronin (浪人 - rōnin):** A masterless samurai, no longer serving a daimyo.

* **Ninja (忍者 - ninja):** Covert operatives and spies, sometimes employed by samurai.

* **Budo (武道 - budō):** Japanese martial arts, encompassing disciplines practiced by samurai.

**Bonus - Samurai Speak (informal):**

* **Sessha (拙者 - sessha):** "I" or "me" used by samurai in a humble or old-fashioned way. (Not commonly used in modern Japanese)

* **Nanji (汝 - nanji):** "You" used in a similar way to sessha, but not recommended in modern conversation due to its old-fashioned and potentially rude tone.

2. Today's topic

Japanese Present and Past Tense

While Japanese tenses seem simpler at first glance, there are some nuances to explore:

**Present Tense:** 

* **Verb Conjugation:**

    * **Regular Verbs:** These fall into two categories:

        * **-ru Verbs:** Conjugate by changing the "-ru" ending to "-masu" (polite) or "-ru" (plain) - e.g., 見る (miru - to see) becomes 見ます (みます - mimasu - I see) or 見る (みる - miru).

        * **-u Verbs:** Similar to -ru verbs, replace "-u" with "-imasu" (polite) or "-u" (plain) - e.g., 話す (hanasu - to speak) becomes 話します (はなします - hanashimasu - I speak) or 話す (はなす - hanasu).

    * **Irregular Verbs:** These have unique conjugations for present tense (polite and plain) - e.g., する (suru - to do) becomes します (します - shimasu) or する (する - suru).

**Past Tense:**

* **Verb Conjugation:**

    * **-ru Verbs & -u Verbs:** Remove the "-ru" or "-u" ending and add "-ta" (polite and plain) - e.g., 見る (miru) becomes 見た (みた - みた - mita - I saw), 話す (hanasu) becomes 話した (はなした - hanashita - I spoke).

    * **Irregular Verbs:** Follow specific past tense conjugations - e.g., する (suru) becomes した (した - shita - I did).


* **Polite (-masu/-mashita):** Used in formal settings or with people you don't know well.

* **Plain (-ru/-ta):** Used with friends, family, or in casual situations.

**Past Perfect Tense (sort of):**

* Japanese doesn't have a direct equivalent, but you can express similar ideas using the past tense with adverbs like "mou" (already) or "mada" (yet).

    * 食べました (tabemashita - I ate) - implies a completed action in the past.

    * まだ食べていません (mada tabete imasen - I haven't eaten yet) - emphasizes an ongoing state related to the past action.

**Additional Tips:**

* **Temporal Words:** Words like "kinou" (yesterday), "kyou" (today), and "ashita" (tomorrow) help clarify tense.

* **Context:** Sentence structure and surrounding information can often indicate the tense.

3- Today’s news

Fukui in charm drive to attract foreign elderly care workers

Western Japan mayor to run for governor of Tokyo in June

Shinji Ishimaru, who is 41 and represents the city of Akitakada in Hiroshima Prefecture, said May 17 he will run as an independent candidate in the July 7 gubernatorial election.

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