Wednesday, 19 June 2024



1. Today's Japanese words

Here are a few basic Japanese sentences helpful during travel in Japan, with romaji for pronunciation:

1. **Konnichiwa (こんにちは)** - Hello (used during the day)

2. **Arigatou gozaimasu (ありがとうございます)** - Thank you (polite)

3. **Sumimasen (すみません)** - Excuse me / I'm sorry

4. **Toire wa doko desu ka? (トイレはどこですか?)** - Where is the restroom?

5. **Kore wa ikura desu ka? (これはいくらですか?)** - How much is this?


* **Onegaishimasu (お願いします)** - Please (polite) - Can be added to the end of many requests.

* **Hai (はい)** - Yes

* **Iie (いいえ)** - No

**Getting Around:**

* **Doomo arigato (どうもありがとう)** - Thank you very much (informal)

* **Kudasai (ください)** - Please (used at the end of requests)

* **Excuse me, can I get a ticket to...? (すみません、 ...までの切符をください。)** - Sumimasen, ... made no kippu o kudasai. (Fill in the destination)

* **Which platform is the train for ... leaving from? (...行きの電車はどのホームですか?)** - ...ゆき no densha wa donoホーム desu ka? (Fill in the destination)

* **Excuse me, is this the way to ...? (すみません、ここは ... へ行く道ですか?)** - Sumimasen, koko wa ... e iku michi desu ka? (Fill in the destination)


* **Ikura desu ka? (いくらですか?)** - How much is this? (informal)

* **Kore o kudasai. (これをください。)** - I'll take this.

* **Waabi desu (売り切れです) / 売り切れました (urikire deshita)** - Sold out (formal and informal)

* **Cash only desu ka? (現金のみですか?)** - Cash only?

**Food and Drinks:**

* **Oishii desu ne (おいしいですね) / Oishii (おいしい)** - This is delicious! (polite and informal)

* **Okonomiyaki o kudasai. (お好み焼きをください。)** - I'll have the okonomiyaki, please.

* **Menu o misete kudasai. (メニューを見せてください。)** - May I see the menu, please?

* **Mizu o kudasai. (水ください。)** - Water, please.


* **Wakaranai desu (わかりません) / Wakarimasen (わかりません)** - I don't understand.

* **Eigo de onegaishimasu (英語でお願いします) / Eigo hanashimasu ka? (英語話しますか?)** - English please / Do you speak English?

* **Do you have...? (... ありますか?)** - ... arimasu ka? (Fill in the item)

* **I am lost. (道に迷いました。)** - Michi ni mayoimashita.

2. Today's topic

Ah, the bustling streets of Japan! Imagine yourself there, a foreign tourist with a sense of wonder. You could be Amelia from California, wide-eyed at the neon lights of Tokyo's Shibuya crossing, or perhaps Jean-Pierre from France, patiently waiting his turn to try a steaming bowl of ramen in a tiny local shop. 

Japan offers a unique blend of ancient traditions and modern marvels, making it a fascinating destination for any traveler. Here are some things Amelia or Jean-Pierre might encounter:

* **Politeness:** The Japanese are renowned for their courtesy. Be prepared to bow in greeting (a slight nod is fine if bowing feels awkward), and always use polite phrases like "arigatou gozaimasu" (thank you) and "sumimasen" (excuse me).

* **Efficiency:** Japan's public transportation system is legendary for its punctuality and cleanliness. Bullet trains zoom between cities at incredible speeds, while subways navigate beneath the metropolis. Getting around is a breeze.

* **Delicious food:** Japanese cuisine is a delight for the senses. From the delicate flavors of sushi and sashimi to the rich, savory goodness of ramen, there's something for everyone. Don't forget to try local favorites like tempura (fried vegetables and seafood) and okonomiyaki (savory pancakes).

* **Fascinating culture:** Japan has a rich history and culture, with traditions that have been passed down for centuries. Immerse yourself in the serene atmosphere of a Buddhist temple, or marvel at the intricate details of a Shinto shrine.

* **Unique experiences:** From attending a traditional tea ceremony to singing karaoke in a private booth, Japan offers a variety of experiences you won't find anywhere else.

So, whether you're Amelia or Jean-Pierre, or just someone who dreams of visiting Japan, there's something for everyone in this amazing country. Just remember to be respectful of the culture, embrace the adventure, and get ready to be amazed!

3- Today’s news

Japan restaurants explore charging foreign tourists more


Death toll of Noto quake to hit 282, third highest since Heisei Era

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