Friday, 31 May 2024

Problem (問題, mondai)


1. Today's Japanese words

Here's some Japanese vocabulary related to problems and annoyances with romaji:

* **Problem (問題, mondai)**

* **Trouble (困る, komaru)**

* **Annoying (迷惑,迷惑する, meiwaku, meiwaku suru)**

* **Inconvenient (不便, fuben)**

* **Frustrating (イライラする,いらつく, irairasuru, iratsuku)**

* **Stressful (ストレス, suttoresu)**

* **Difficult (難しい, muzukashii)**

* **Misunderstanding (ちがい, chigai)**

* **Disagreement (意見の相違, iken no sōi)**

* **Conflict (対立, taitori)**

* **Mistake (ミス, misu)**

* **Error (過ち, machigai)**

* **Failure (失敗, shippai)**

* **Setback (アクシデント, akusidento)**

* **Unexpected problem (予想外のトラブル, yosōgai no toraburu)**

* **Deadlock (膠着状態, kōchaku jōtai)** (when a situation cannot progress)

* **Disappointment (がっかり, gakkari)**

* **Discouraged (やる気がない, yaru ki ga nai)** (lack of motivation)

* **Overwhelmed (いっぱいいっぱい, ippai ippai)** (feeling overloaded)

* **Burned out (燃え尽きる, moe tsukきる, moetsukiru)** (exhausted from work)

* **Unfair (不公平, fu公平, f公平 (f公平, fukōhei))**

* **Unreasonable (道理に合わない, dōri ni合わない, dōri ni合わない (dōri ni合わない, dōri ni awanai))**

2. Today's topic

## Problems Foreigners Face in Japanese Companies

Foreigners working in Japan may encounter some challenges due to cultural differences. Here are some potential issues:

* **Language Barrier:** Unless you're fluent in Japanese, communication can be difficult. Limited Japanese can hinder your ability to fully integrate and contribute. 

* **Long Working Hours:** Japan is known for its long work hours (残業, zangyou). Be prepared to put in extra time, especially early in your career. 

* **Decision-making by Consensus:** Reaching decisions through consensus (合意, gōi) can be slow and frustrating for those accustomed to more direct approaches. 

* **Social Integration:** Building relationships with Japanese colleagues (飲み会, nomikai - after-work drinks) can be essential for career advancement but might be unfamiliar territory for some foreigners.

* **Rigid Hierarchy:** The emphasis on hierarchy can make it difficult to challenge authority or propose new ideas, especially for younger employees.

**Remember:** These are generalizations, and the experience of foreign workers can vary depending on the company and industry. Being aware of these potential issues and making an effort to adapt to Japanese business culture can significantly improve your experience working in Japan.

3- Today’s news

Live stream will show congestion around Mt. Fuji's 5th station

Japan to waive graduate scholarship loan repayments for teachers

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