Friday, 24 May 2024

Adverbs (副詞, *fukushi*)

①. Today's Japanese words
Here are some examples of adverbs:

1. **速く (hayaku)**: This adverb indicates speed. For instance, you can use it in a sentence like "彼は速く走った" (He ran quickly).
2. **よく (yoku)**: An adverb that indicates frequency or degree. For example, "よく勉強する" (He studies diligently).
3. **とても (totemo)**: An adverb that emphasizes degree. You might say "彼はとても優しい" (He is very kind).

1. **大分 (daibu)**: Considerably; greatly; a lot. For example, you might say, "彼は**大分**元気です" (He is quite energetic).
2. **丁度 (choudo)**: Exactly. Use it when something is precisely as expected or timed perfectly. For instance, "**丁度**時間通りに着きました" (I arrived exactly on time).
3. **再び (futatabi)**: Again; once more. You can say, "彼は**再び**挑戦しました" (He tried again).
4. **普通 (futsuu)**: Usually. This adverb indicates something that happens in a typical or ordinary manner. For example, "彼は**普通**に運転します" (He drives normally).
5. **一番 (ichiban)**: Number one; first; best. You might say, "これは**一番**美味しい料理です" (This is the most delicious dish).

②. Today's topic

Adverbs (副詞, *fukushi*)

Adverbs (副詞, *fukushi*) are a type of word in Japanese that modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They provide more information about the manner, time, place, degree, or other circumstances of an action or state of being.

**Types of Adverbs**

There are three main types of adverbs in Japanese:

1. **Jotai fukushi** (情態副詞, **manner adverbs**): These adverbs describe the manner or way in which something happens. They are often formed by adding the suffix **-ku** or **-ni** to the root of a verb.

* Examples:
* **hayaku** (早く, quickly)
* **atsuku** (厚く, thickly)
* **shizukani** (静かに, quietly)

2. **Ryoudo fukushi** (量度副詞, **degree adverbs**): These adverbs indicate the degree or extent to which something happens. They often include words like **very**, **much**, **little**, **too**, etc.

* Examples:
* **totemo** (とても, very)
* **sukoshi** (少し, a little)
* **ijo** (以上, more than)
* **mada** (まだ, not yet)

3. **Shutsuryo fukushi** (述語副詞, **sentence adverbs**): These adverbs modify the entire sentence or clause. They often express modality (e.g., possibility, necessity, doubt), negation, or emphasis.

* Examples:
* **kanarazu** (必ず, certainly)
* **mochiron** (もちろん, of course)
* **mou** (もう, already)
* **mattaku** (全く, not at all)

**Examples of Adverb Usage**

* **Jotai fukushi (manner adverbs)**

* **Neko wa hayaku hashirimasu.** (猫は早く走ります, The cat runs quickly.)
* **Hanako wa shizukani hon o yondeimasu.** (花子は静かに本を読んでいます, Hanako is reading a book quietly.)
* **Tarou wa atatakaku ocha o nomimasu.** (太郎は熱々にお茶を飲みます, Tarou is drinking hot tea.)

* **Ryoudo fukushi (degree adverbs)**

* **Kono ryori wa totemo oishii desu.** (この料理はとても美味しいです, This dish is very delicious.)
* **Mou sukoshi matte kudasai.** (もう少し待ってください, Please wait a little longer.)

* **Shutsuryo fukushi (sentence adverbs)**

* **Kanarazu ashita made ni owari masu.** (必ず明日までに終わります, I will definitely finish it by tomorrow.)
* **Mochiron, watashi mo ikimasu.** (もちろん、私も行きます, Of course, I will go too.)
* **Mou yoroshii desu.** (もう大丈夫です, I'm fine now.)
* **Mattaku wakaranai.** (全く分からない, I don't understand at all.)

**Adverb Formation**

In addition to the suffixes mentioned above, there are a few other common ways to form adverbs in Japanese:

* **Prefixes:** Some adverbs are formed by adding prefixes to nouns or other words. For example, **ijo** (以上, more than) is formed from the prefix **i** (上, above) and **jou** (丈, measure).
* **Compounds:** Some adverbs are formed by compounding two or more words. For example, **hayaku** (早く, quickly) is a compound of **haya** (速い, fast) and **ku** (く).
* **Conversion:** Some nouns and adjectives can be used as adverbs without any change in form. For example, **kirei** (きれい, beautiful) can be used as both an adjective and an adverb.

**Adverb Placement**

Adverbs are typically placed next to the word they modify. However, there is some flexibility in placement, and the meaning of the sentence can change depending on where the adverb is placed.

* **Before the word being modified:** This is the most common placement for adverbs.

* **Hayaku hashirimasu.** (早く走ります, He runs quickly.)

* **After the word being modified:** This can be used to emphasize the adverb.

* **Hashirimasu hayaku.** (走ります早く, He runs quickly.)

* **Between the verb and its object:** This can be used to focus on the manner

③- Today’s news
Osaka mayor sued over whale burial; double initial estimate

Hiroshima faces ‘double standard’ criticism over A-bomb event
“By inviting Israel, Hiroshima city is affirming the massacre in the Gaza Strip.”

in 2022, the city decided not to invite Russia and its ally Belarus, saying that “there is a possibility that inviting Russia might cause some countries not to attend the ceremony.”

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