Thursday 4 April 2024

Indonesia and Japan



1. Today's Japanese words

Here are some basic Japanese vocabulary words related to harassment and discrimination, along with their romaji pronunciation:

**Harassment (嫌がらせ - Iがらせ (Igarase))**

* セクハラ (sekuhara) - sexual harassment

* パワハラ (pawahara) - power harassment (abuse of power in a workplace setting)

* イジメ (ijime) - bullying

**Discrimination (差別 - 差別 (Sabetsu))**

* 人種差別 (jinshuu sabetsu) - racial discrimination

* 性差別 (sei sabetsu) - sex discrimination

* 年齢差別 (nenrei sabetsu) - age discrimination

* 障害者差別 (shougaisha sabetsu) - discrimination against people with disabilities

**Other related words:**

* 迷惑をかける (meiwakuをかける - to cause trouble)

* 暴言 (ぼうげん - bougen) - abusive language

* 脅迫 (kyouhaku) - threat

* 不当な扱い (futoh na atsukai) - unfair treatment

* 被害者 (higaisha) - victim

2. Today's topic

Indonesia and Japan

Indonesia's path to independence from Dutch rule was complex, and the relationship with Japanese soldiers during World War II adds another layer to that story.

**Japanese Occupation and Shifting Alliances**

Japan occupied the Dutch East Indies (present-day Indonesia) from 1942 to 1945. While the occupation was brutal at times, Japan initially promoted Indonesian nationalism as a way to weaken Dutch control.  

They supported Indonesian political parties and even allowed the use of the Indonesian flag.

This wartime alliance was a gamble for both sides. Indonesia hoped to gain independence through Japan's support, while Japan aimed to exploit Indonesia's resources for their war effort.

**Seeds of Independence**

Despite the harsh realities of occupation, Japan's presence did create some opportunities for Indonesians. They were trained in military tactics and administration, which would prove invaluable in the future fight for independence. Nationalist leaders like Sukarno were given a platform to promote Indonesian identity.

**After the War: A Fight for Freedom**

When Japan surrendered in 1945, Indonesians saw their chance. Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta declared Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945. However, the Dutch, with backing from the British, weren't ready to relinquish control. A brutal war of independence ensued, lasting until 1949.

**The Role of Japanese Soldiers**

The role of Japanese soldiers in Indonesia's independence is debated by historians. Some Japanese soldiers deserted and joined the Indonesian struggle against the Dutch. Others remained neutral or even fought alongside the Dutch.  

It's likely motivations were varied, ranging from ideological sympathy for Indonesian independence to simple pragmatism.

The Kalibata Heroes Cemetery in Jakarta, Indonesia, has a connection to Japan due to World War II. Here's what you need to know:

Japanese Soldiers Buried There: There's a section in the cemetery dedicated to over 20 Japanese soldiers who died during the war [].

Complex History: Japan occupied Indonesia (then the Dutch East Indies) from 1942 to 1945. This period had mixed impacts. While Japan initially supported Indonesian independence movements, the occupation also involved resource exploitation and hardship for Indonesians.

Post-War Reconciliation: After the war, Indonesia and Japan prioritized reconciliation and economic cooperation. Visits by Japanese descendants and officials to the graves of these soldiers are a sign of respect and a part of this reconciliation [Yayasan Warga Persahabatan].

Overall: The presence of Japanese soldiers' graves in Kalibata Heroes Cemetery reflects a complex chapter in Indonesian-Japanese relations. It's a place that acknowledges the wartime past while also symbolizing the move towards a more cooperative future.

**Indonesia Beyond Aid**

Indonesia has grown into a major economic power in Southeast Asia. While they still receive some foreign aid, the country is also a significant provider of aid to other developing nations. 

**A Look Forward**

The relationship between Indonesia and Japan continues to evolve. Economic ties are strong, and both nations are essential players in regional security. The wartime past is a complex chapter, but Indonesia and Japan look to a future of mutual cooperation.

3- Today’s news

Shizuoka chief to resign after offending factory workers, farmers

Shizuoka Governor Heita Kawakatsu said he would resign over his speech that insulted farmers, ranchers and factory workers.

“You have brains and are highly intelligent, unlike people who sell vegetables, attend to cattle and manufacture products.”

“Does he believe that people in farming and cattle raising have low intellect? He is arrogant,” said one complainant.

Indonesian president-elect vows to further strengthen ties with Japan

Indonesian President-elect and current Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, left, and Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, right, shake hands at the prime minister's office on April 3 in Tokyo.

Subianto, who will succeed Joko Widodo in October, chose Beijing for his first official overseas trip after his February election victory

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