Tuesday 2 April 2024

Earthquake:** 地震 (jishin)


1. Today's Japanese words

Here's some basic Japanese vocabulary related to natural disasters:

* **Earthquake:** 地震 (jishin)

* **Tsunami:** 津波 (tsunami)

* **Typhoon:** 台風 (taifu)

* **Flood:** 洪水 (kōzui)

* **Landslide:** 崖崩れ (gake崩れ - gake-崩れ) (gake-kuzure)

* **Evacuation:** 避難 (hinan)

* **Shelter:** 避難所 (hinan-jo)

* **Volcanic eruption:** 火山噴火 (kazan phunka)

* **Heatwave:** 熱波 (netsuha)

* **Drought:** 干ばつ (kanbatsu)

2. Today's topic

Taiwan and Japan

Taiwan's affinity for Japan stems from a combination of historical factors and cultural influences:

* **Colonial Legacy:** Japan's colonization of Taiwan (1895-1945) left a lasting imprint. Modernization efforts by Japan led to significant infrastructural development and economic growth in Taiwan.

* **Cultural Affinity:** Many aspects of Japanese culture, from cuisine to work ethic, resonate with Taiwanese society. This is due to the intermingling of cultures during the colonial period and the continued popularity of Japanese media and culture.

* **Shared Values:** Both Taiwan and Japan are developed democracies with a strong emphasis on education and technological advancement. This fosters a sense of mutual respect and admiration.

There are several reasons why Taipei has a history of donating significantly to Japan following earthquakes:

* **Shared experience with earthquakes:** Both Taiwan and Japan are located in an earthquake-prone region and understand the devastation these events can cause.

* **Reciprocity:** Taiwan remembers Japan's aid after a devastating earthquake in 1999, and there's a sense of wanting to return the favor.

* **Strong unofficial ties:** Despite complex political relations, there are strong cultural and economic ties between Taiwan and Japan. 

3- Today’s news

Strong earthquake shakes Taiwan, damaging buildings


Over NT$540 million collected in Noto earthquake donations: Ministry


Taipei, Jan. 22 (CNA) People in Taiwan donated more than NT$540 million (US$17.2 million) for relief aid and post-disaster reconstruction work in western Japan in the wake of the Noto earthquake on Jan. 1, the Ministry of Health and Welfare said Monday, three days after a donation program ended.

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