Saturday 20 January 2024

New Year (正月 - Shougatsu)

 1. Today's Japanese words

## Japanese Basic Vocabulary about New Year (正月 - Shougatsu) with Romaji
Here are some basic Japanese vocabulary related to New Year (正月 - Shougatsu) with romaji:
* 正月 (shougatsu): New Year
* お正月 (oshougatsu): Honorific form of New Year
* 新年 (shin nen): New Year
* 年越し (toshi koshi): New Year's Eve
* 年始 (toshi hajime): New Year's beginning
* お年玉 (otoshidama): New Year's money (gift)
* 門松 (kadomatsu): Gate decorations made of pine and bamboo
* しめ縄 (shimenawa): Rice straw rope used for purification
* 初詣 (hatsumoude): First shrine visit of the year
* 除夜の鐘 (joya no kane): Temple bell ringing at midnight on New Year's Eve
* おせち料理 (osechi ryori): Traditional New Year's feast
* 餅つき (mochi tsuki): Making rice cakes
* かるた (karuta): Playing a card game with Japanese poems
* 羽根つき (hane tsuki): Playing badminton with wooden paddles and a shuttlecock
* お雑煮 (ozoni): Soup with rice cakes and vegetables
* 餅 (mochi): Rice cakes
* 鏡餅 (kagami mochi): Two round rice cakes stacked on top of each other
* 黒豆 (kuromame): Black beans
* あけましておめでとうございます (Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu): Happy New Year (formal)
* 新年あけましておめでとう (Shin nen akemashite omedetou): Happy New Year (informal)
* 今年もよろしくおねがいします (Kotoshimo yoroshiku onegaishimasu): Please take care of me this year
* 年賀状 (nenga jyou): New Year's greeting card
* 初日の出 (hatsudainichi): First sunrise of the year
2. Today's topic
## Osechi: A Feast for the Senses and the Soul in Japan
Osechi, also known as Osechi Ryori, is a vibrant and deeply meaningful culinary tradition in Japan. It's more than just a meal; it's a **festive spread of symbolic dishes** served during the first three days of the New Year, embodying wishes for good fortune, prosperity, and happiness in the year ahead.
**Here's a closer look at Osechi:**
**What is it?**
* A collection of **diverse dishes**, usually 15 to 25, presented in beautifully lacquered tiered boxes called **jubako**.
* Each dish has a **specific meaning** and name associated with auspicious wishes.
* Ingredients often reflect **seasonality and local produce**.
**What does it mean?**
* Osechi is a **celebration of renewal and hope**.
* Each dish carries a **symbolic meaning**, often linked to prosperity, health, longevity, and good harvest.
* Preparing and enjoying Osechi is a way for families to **come together and honor tradition**.
**Some popular Osechi dishes and their meanings:**
* **Kazunoko (herring roe):** Abundance of offspring due to the large number of eggs.
* **Kuromame (black beans):** Health and longevity due to their black color, representing longevity in Chinese culture.
* **Datemaki (sweet rolled omelet):** Knowledge and success, as "date" sounds similar to "dekiru" (to be able).
* **Ebi (shrimp):** Longevity due to their bent form, resembling an old man's back.
* **Kurikinton (candied chestnut and sweet potato):** Wealth and prosperity due to the golden color.
**Interesting facts:**
* The tradition of Osechi dates back to the **Heian period (794-1185)**.
* Originally, it was a way for people to avoid cooking during the New Year period, as it was considered unlucky.
* Today, many people buy pre-made Osechi boxes, but some families still take pride in preparing their own.
**Osechi is a cultural treasure, showcasing Japanese ingenuity and deep respect for tradition. It's a feast for the senses, a celebration of family, and a reminder of the importance of good beginnings in the New Year.**
3- Today’s news
Japanese service matches traveling workers with inns hungry for staff
Japanese osechi New Year’s meal lucky bag gives us way more than we bargained for
osechi are lucky New Year’s meals designed to be eaten over the first three days of the year —
Japanese service matches traveling workers with inns hungry for staff - The Mainichi

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