Friday, 28 June 2024

Seiji (政治): Politics


1. Today's Japanese words

## Japanese Political Vocabulary (Romaji)

**Government Structure:**

* Seiji (政治): Politics

* Seifu (政府): Government

* Kenpou (憲法): Constitution

* Tennou (天皇): Emperor (lit. "Heavenly Emperor")

* Kogo (皇后): Empress

* Kokkai (国会): National Diet (Parliament)

* Shugiin (衆議院): House of Representatives (Lower House)

* Sangiin (参議院): House of Councillors (Upper House)

* Naikaku (内閣): Cabinet

* Sōri Daijin (総理大臣): Prime Minister

**Political Parties:**

* Tōu(党): Party

* Jiyū Minshu Tō (自由民主党, LDP): Liberal Democratic Party

* Yishin no Kai (維新の会): Innovation Party

* Kōmeitō (公明党): Komei Party

**Other Useful Terms:**

* Senkyo (選挙): Election

* Tōhyō (投票): Vote

* Hōritsu (法律): Law

* Seitou (政党): Political Party

* Seiji kaikaku (政治改革): Political Reform


* Seiken wo toru (政権を取る): To take power (form a government)

* Seihen (政変): Political upheaval

* Giin (議員): Diet member (member of parliament)

2. Today's topic

Japan's political system is a fascinating blend of tradition and democracy. Here's a breakdown of its key features:

**Constitutional Monarchy:**

* The Emperor is the symbolic head of state, representing the unity of the people. 

* Real power lies with the elected officials.

**Parliamentary System:**

* The National Diet is the highest body, wielding legislative authority.

* It consists of two houses:

    * House of Representatives (Lower House) - More powerful, with shorter terms.

    * House of Councillors (Upper House) - Provides more deliberation.

**Separation of Powers:**

* The Constitution divides power between the legislative (Diet), executive (Cabinet), and judicial branches.

**Political Parties:**

* Japan has a multi-party system, but the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has dominated for much of the post-war era.

* Other parties exist, and coalitions are sometimes formed.

3- Today’s news

Biden’s debate performance spurs Democratic panic about his ability to lead party against Trump

debate performance punctuated by repeated stumbles, uncomfortable pauses, and a quiet speaking style that was often difficult to understand

Life-size model of anime robot Gundam to tower over Osaka Expo

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