Thursday, 16 May 2024



1. Today's Japanese words

Here are some basic Japanese vocabulary and sentences you can use while shopping, along with their romaji pronunciation:

* **Vocabulary**

  * コンビニ (konbini) - convenience store

  * スーパーマーケット (sūpā māketto) - supermarket

  * 靴 (kutsu) - shoes

  * カバン ( kaban) - bag

  * シャツ (shatsu) - shirt

  * いくらですか (ikura desu ka) - How much is this?

  * 大きい (ōkii) - big

  * 小さい (chiisai) - small

* **Sentences**

  * すみません、カバンを探しています (Sumimasen, kaban o sag shite imasu) - Excuse me, I'm looking for a bag.

  * このシャツ、試着してもいいですか (Kono shatsu, shichaku shite mo ii desu ka) - May I try on this shirt?

  * 大きいサイズがありますか (Ōkii saizu ga arimasu ka) - Do you have a bigger size?

2. Today's topic

Several aspects of Japanese grammar can be tricky for learners.

1. **Particles:** Japanese relies heavily on particles to indicate the grammatical function of words in a sentence. These particles can be confusing because they don't have direct equivalents in English and often have multiple meanings depending on the context. The particles が (ga) and は (wa) are prime examples, both indicating the topic but with subtle differences.

2. **Politeness Levels:** Japanese has a complex system of politeness levels that you need to use appropriately depending on the situation and the person you're talking to. This involves using different verb conjugations, vocabulary, and even sentence structures. Mastering these nuances takes time and practice.

* **Verb Conjugations:** Unlike English, Japanese verbs are extensively conjugated to indicate tense, politeness level, formality, and transitivity. This means there are multiple forms for each verb, depending on the context. Memorizing these conjugations can be a hurdle for learners.

* **Counter Words:** Japanese uses counter words, which are specific words that quantify nouns. There are many different counter words, each corresponding to a particular type of noun (e.g., people, animals, things). Using the wrong counter word can sound unnatural or even rude.

3- Today’s news

And justice for dolls: Fake police slow down drivers in Hyogo

The male doll is seated in front of a speed radar, while his female partner stands near the car.

Teen who used smart glasses to cheat got help from ‘tutors’

According to sources, during the Waseda exam, the teenager took photos of the test questions with his smart glasses and sent them to his tutors using a smartphone he kept hidden in his pants. He asked the tutors to send him the answers.

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