Friday, 5 April 2024

宗教 (shūkyō) - religion


1. Today's Japanese words
Here's some basic Japanese vocabulary related to religion, with romaji pronunciation:

**General Terms:**

* 宗教 (shūkyō) - religion
* 信仰 (shinjō) - faith, belief
* 神 (kami) - god (in Shintoism)
* 仏 (hotoke) - Buddha (in Buddhism)
* 教会 (kyōkai) - church
* 寺 (tera) - temple (Buddhist)
* 神社 (jinja) - shrine (Shinto)
* イスラム教 (isuramu-kyō) - Islam
* キリスト教 (kirisuto-kyō) - Christianity
* 仏教 (bukkyō) - Buddhism
* 神道 (shintō) - Shintoism


* 信仰する (shinjō suru) - to believe in (a religion)
* お祈りをする (o-inori o suru) - to pray
* 祈る (inoru) - to pray (informal)
* 瞑想する (meisou suru) - to meditate


* 僧侶 (sōryo) - monk, priest (Buddhist)
* 神主 (kannushi) - Shinto priest
* 牧師 (bokushi) - pastor (Christian)
* イマーム (imaamu) - imam (Islamic leader)


* 宗教上 (shūkyō-jō) - religiously
* 信仰の自由 (shinjō no jiyū) - freedom of religion

2. Today's topic
The Muslim population in Japan is relatively small

There are several reasons why the Muslim population in Japan is relatively small compared to other parts of Asia:

* **Historically Buddhist and Shinto Country:** Japan's dominant religions have traditionally been Buddhism and Shintoism. Islam arrived much later, with limited historical influence.

* **Island Nation with Geographic Isolation:** Japan's island geography has historically led to a more homogenous society, with less immigration compared to neighboring countries.

* **Cultural and Religious Integration:** Japanese culture emphasizes conformity and social harmony. This can make it more challenging for new religions to gain a strong foothold.

* **Limited Halal Food and Daily Life Practices:** Finding halal food and adapting daily life practices to Islamic requirements can be more difficult in Japan compared to countries with larger Muslim populations.

However, Islam is a growing religion in Japan, with a small but vibrant Muslim community. Here are some additional points to consider:

* **Immigration:** An influx of Muslim immigrants from Southeast Asia and other regions has contributed to a slight rise in the Muslim population.

* **Marriage and Conversion:** Marriages between Japanese people and Muslims, along with some conversions to Islam, have also added to the numbers.

* **Support for Muslim Community:** Japan is increasingly working to create a more welcoming environment for Muslims, including providing prayer spaces and halal food options.

Overall, while the Muslim population in Japan remains small, there are signs of growth and a more inclusive environment for Muslims living in the country.

3- Today’s news
Japanese drivers try to break through in Formula 1 but face linguistic and geographical barriers
“You have to go to Europe to race and to compete against the European drivers, so that probably makes it a little bit difficult,” he said. “And obviously, the language as well. Japanese don’t speak as much good English.”

Muslims in Japan serve up curry for quake-hit Noto residents
A Muslim group in central Japan has been offering curry to victims of the magnitude-7.6 earthquake that hit the Noto Peninsula on New Year's Day, bringing smiles to the faces of those affected by the disaster.
"It doesn't matter if they are Muslim or not."

The curry they make uses spices common in a variety of Muslim countries such as Pakistan and Malaysia, and is prepared by the group's members, who come from a range of different backgrounds, including children and those with experience working at curry restaurants.

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