Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Jishin (地震 じしん):** Earthquake


1. Today's Japanese words

Here are some basic Japanese vocabulary words related to natural disasters, with romaji for pronunciation:

* **Jishin (地震 じしん):** Earthquake

* **Taifu (台風 たいふう):** Typhoon

* **Tsunaami (津波 つなみ):** Tsunami

* **Yuisai (災害 さいがい):** Disaster

* **Higan (被害 ひがい):** Damage

* **Hinan (避難 ひなん):** Evacuation

* **Bosai (防災ぼうさい):** Disaster 

* **Kaji (火事 かじ):** Fire

* **Kouzui (洪水 こうずい):** Flood

* **Teppe (鉄砲水 てっぽうすい):** Flash flood

* **Kyūen (救急 きゅうきゅう):** Emergency

* **Chika (地下 ちか):** Underground (used for shelters)

2. Today's topic

The devastating Noto Wajima earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Japan on January 1, 2024. It was a powerful magnitude 7.6 earthquake that caused widespread kerusakan (damage) and loss of life. The earthquake's epicenter was located near the town of Suzu, and the shaking was most intense in the northern parts of the Noto Peninsula. 

The Noto Wajima earthquake was the deadliest earthquake in Japan since 2016. It caused over 245 deaths and injured more than 1,200 people. The earthquake also caused widespread damage to buildings and infrastructure, and many people were displaced from their homes.

The recovery effort from the Noto Wajima earthquake is ongoing. The Japanese government has pledged to provide assistance to those affected by the earthquake, and many international organizations have also provided aid.

3- Today’s news

Kishida gives Biden Noto Wajima-nuri lacquerware

Wajima-nuri is a traditional craft of Ishikawa Prefecture, which was devastated by the Noto Peninsula earthquake and tsunami in January.

Three months after Noto quake, victims voice mixed feelings

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