Tuesday, 16 April 2024

歴史 (rekishi) - history


1. Today's Japanese words

Here's some basic Japanese vocabulary about history, dynasty, and politics:

* 歴史 (れきしrekishi) - history

* 王朝 (おうちょう, ouchō) - dynasty

* 政治 (せいじ, seiji) - politics

*天皇 (てんのう、tennō) - emperor

* 政府 (せいふ, seifu) - government

* 権力 (けんりょく, kenryoku) - power

* 法律 (ほうりつ, hōritsu) - law

* 時代 (じだい、jidai) - era, period

* 戦争 (せんそうsensō) - war

* 武士 (ぶし、bushi) - samurai

* 幕府 (ばくふ、bakufu) - shogunate (military government)

* 藩 (はん、han) - domain (feudal domain ruled by a daimyo)

* 明治維新 (めいじいしん、meiji ishin) - Meiji Restoration

* 列島 (れっとう、rettō) - archipelago

* 維新 (いしん、ishin) - restoration, renewal

* 近代 (きんだい、kindai) - modern times

* 寡頭政治 (かとうせいじ、katō seiji) - oligarchy

* 軍国主義 (ぐんこくしゅぎ、gunkokushugi) - militarism

2. Today's topic

Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1573 - 1603)

the social classes should increase the government's control over the people. In addition, a land survey was started in 1583, and a census carried out in 1590. In the same year, Hideyoshi's large castle, the Osaka Castle, was completed.

In 1587, Hideyoshi issued an edict expelling Christian missionaries. Nevertheless, Franciscans were able to enter the country in 1593, and the Jesuits remained active in Western Japan. In 1597 Hideyoshi intensified the persecution of Christian missionaries, forbade further conversions, and executed 26 Franciscans as a warning. Foreign traders and missionaries had acted aggressively and intolerant towards native Japanese institutions in an era when their fellow countrymen were conquering and colonizing other parts of the world in the name of Christianity.

After uniting the country, Hideyoshi attempted to realize his rather megalomaniac dream of conquering China. In 1592, his armies invaded Korea and captured Seoul within a few weeks; however, they were pushed back again by Chinese and Korean forces in the following year. Hideyoshi stubbornly didn't give in until the final evacuation from Korea in 1598, the same year in which he died.

Tokugawa Ieyasu, who had been an intelligent partner of Hideyoshi and Nobunaga, succeeded Hideyoshi as the most powerful man of Japan.

3- Today’s news

Shōgun: The True Story of the Battle of Sekigahara


History of Japan


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