Saturday 20 January 2024


 Oda Nobunaga

a Sengoku-era warlord, carved his name into history by unifying half of Japan. Known for ruthless ambition, Nobunaga defied expectations, embraced firearms, and sponsored cultural exchange. While his death in 1582 was abrupt, his conquests paved the way for a unified Japan, establishing him as a complex and influential figure.
1-Today’s Japanese language
Basic Japanese Vocabulary about Samurai Relations:
Daimyo (大名): Feudal lord, ruler of a domain (han).
Shogun (征夷大将軍): Military commander, supreme leader of the samurai class.
Samurai (侍): Warrior class, skilled in swordsmanship and bushido.
Ashigaru (足軽): Foot soldiers, lower-ranking samurai.
Shinobi (忍者): Ninjas, covert operatives, often employed by samurai.
Han (藩): Domain, territory ruled by a daimyō.
Bakufu (幕府): Shogunate, military government led by the shogun.
Bushido (武士道): The Way of the Samurai, code of honor and conduct.
Giri (義理): Righteousness, obligation to fulfill duty.
Chūgi (忠義): Loyalty, devotion to one's lord.
Meishin (名誉): Honor, reputation of a samurai.
Seppuku (切腹): Ritual suicide, a way to preserve honor.
Katana (刀): Long sword, the samurai's primary weapon.
Wakizashi (脇差): Short sword, secondary weapon worn with katana.
Do (胴): Armor, chestpiece worn by samurai.
Kabuto (兜): Helmet, worn by samurai.
Budo (武道): Martial arts, various fighting styles practiced by samurai.
2- Today’s news
Yamanashi to cap Mount Fuji climbers at 4,000 per day
Regarding the 4,000-climber limit, he said, “This is a measure to alleviate congestion on the trail and previous surveys have shown that excessive crowding occurs near the summit when the number of climbers exceeds 4,000.”
The number of climbers this summer was 221,322, returning to pre-pandemic levels
Light show sets Azuchi Castle replica ‘on fire’ every weekend
The highlight of the Night Kingdom event is 3-D projection mapping showing a 43-meter-high replica of Azuchi Castle bursting into flames at the end of the show.

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