Saturday 20 January 2024

About Politics

 1. Today's Japanese words

## Japanese Basic Vocabulary About Politics (Romaji & Kanji)

**Politicians and Parties:**

* **Seifu (政府):** Government (政府)
* **Naikaku (内閣):** Cabinet (内閣)
* **Kaishoo (首相):** Prime Minister (首相)
* **Kokkai (国会):** National Diet (国会)
* **Giin (議員):** Member of Parliament (議員)
* **Seito (政党):** Political Party (政党)
* **Minshuto (民主党):** Democratic Party (民主党)
* **Jibuntoo (自民党):** Liberal Democratic Party (自民党)
* **Kominto (共産党):** Communist Party (共産党)

**Elections and Voting:**

* **Senkyo (選挙):** Election (選挙)
* **Senkyūku (選挙区):** Constituency (選挙区)
* **Tōhyō (投票):** Vote (投票)
* **Hikyuusha (棄権者):** Abstainer (棄権者)
* **Senkyo Kampēn (選挙キャンペーン):** Election Campaign (選挙キャンペーン)

**Policies and Issues:**

* **Seisaku (政策):** Policy (政策)
* **Mondai (問題):** Issue (問題)
* **Keizai (経済):** Economy (経済)
* **Gaikō (外交):** Foreign Policy (外交)
* **Anzen Hoshō (安全保障):** Security (安全保障)
* **Shakai Fukuzi (社会福祉):** Social Welfare (社会福祉)
* **Kankyō (環境):** Environment (環境)

**Other Useful Words:**

* **Seiji (政治):** Politics (政治)
* **Hōritsu (法律):** Law (法律)
* **Gyōsei (行政):** Administration (行政)
* **Jiyū (自由):** Freedom (自由)
* **Minpyōdō (民主主義):** Democracy (民主主義)
* **Heiwa (平和):** Peace (平和)

2. Today's topic
The relationship between Japan and Taiwan is complex and multifaceted, marked by historical ties, shared values, economic interdependence, and political tension. Here's a breakdown:


* **Early Interactions:** Trade and cultural exchange existed even before Japanese colonization of Taiwan from 1895-1945. During this period, significant infrastructure development and cultural influence occurred.
* **Post-Colonization:** After WWII, Taiwan and Japan both became democracies, fostering cultural and economic connections.


* **Formal Ties:** In 1972, Japan normalized relations with the People's Republic of China (PRC) and formally broke diplomatic ties with Taiwan.
* **Informal Relations:** Despite this, Japan maintains robust "unofficial" relations with Taiwan through bilateral offices, cultural exchanges, and parliamentary visits.
* **China Factor:** Japan remains cautious about angering China, a major economic and strategic partner. However, rising Chinese assertiveness in the Taiwan Strait has pushed Japan to take a more vocal stance regarding Taiwan's security.


* **Strong Trade:** Japan and Taiwan are important trading partners, with significant investment and technology transfer between them. Both economies are integrated into global supply chains.
* **Shared Interests:** Both countries share concerns about free trade and regional stability, pushing for collaboration in areas like maritime security and technological innovation.


* **One China Policy:** The One China Policy, upheld by the PRC, views Taiwan as part of its territory. This creates friction with any country that interacts with Taiwan officially.
* **Military Concerns:** The potential for conflict in the Taiwan Strait poses a security threat to Japan, given its proximity and economic dependence on the region.


* The Japan-Taiwan relationship is a balancing act between economic and political factors. While formal ties remain severed, the two countries maintain close unofficial relations driven by shared interests, cultural affinity, and strategic concerns.
* The future of the relationship hinges on China's actions towards Taiwan, Japan's response to regional security dynamics, and the internal political landscapes of both countries.

Remember, this is a concise overview. Each aspect of the relationship deserves further exploration, and new developments can occur any time.

3- Today’s news
LIVE Taiwan presidential election: Lai to become next president
The ruling Democratic Progressive Party's Lai Ching-te will likely declare victory in Taiwan's presidential election after his two competitors conceded defeat.

El Nino could make 2024 hotter than record-setting 2023

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