Saturday 20 January 2024

 1. Today's Japanese words

## Japanese Vocabulary about Ikigai with Romaji:
**General Terms:**
* **生きがい (ikigai):** Reason for being, purpose in life.
* **使命 (shimei):** Mission, calling.
* **天職 (tenshoku):** Divine calling, perfect job.
* **やりがい (yarigai):** Sense of achievement, satisfaction from work.
* **充実感 (jūjitsukan):** A sense of fulfillment, satisfaction.
**Components of Ikigai:**
* **好き (suki):** What you love, enjoy.
* **得意 (tokui):** What you're good at, skilled in.
* **必要 (hitsuyō):** What the world needs, necessary.
* **仕事 (shigoto):** Work, job.
* **収入 (shūnyū):** Income, earnings.
**Verbs related to Ikigai:**
* **見つける (mつける):** To find, discover.
* **目指す (mezasu):** To aim for, strive for.
* **実現する (jitsugen suru):** To realize, make it happen.
* **生き抜く (ikinuku):** To live life to the fullest.
**Adverbs related to Ikigai:**
* **心から (kokoro kara):** From the heart, sincerely.
* **情熱を持って (jōnetsu o motte):** With passion.
* **意味を持って (imi o motte):** With meaning, purpose.
* **前向きに (maemukini):** Positively, proactively.
**Phrases related to Ikigai:**
* **生きがいを見つける (ikigai o mitsukeru):** To find your reason for being.
* **生きがいを持って生きる (ikigai o motte ikiru):** To live with purpose.
* **人生の目標 (jinsei no mokuhyō):** Goal in life.
* **天職を見つける (tenshoku o mitsukeru):** To find your perfect job.
* **充実した人生を送る (jūjitsu shita jinsei o okuru):** To live a fulfilling life.
2. Today's topic
Ikigai is a beautiful Japanese concept that translates to "a reason for being" or "a purpose in life." It's more than just a simple goal; it's about finding that sweet spot where your passions, skills, and the world's needs converge, leading to a sense of fulfillment and happiness.
Here are some key things to know about ikigai in Japan:
The term originated in the Heian period (794-1185 AD) but gained much attention due to the long-lived residents of Okinawa, where ikigai plays a significant role in their community.
Ikigai isn't a fixed destination; it's a continuous journey of self-discovery and purpose-seeking.
It encompasses various aspects of life, including work, hobbies, relationships, and personal growth.
Many often represent ikigai with a Venn diagram where four circles intersect:
What you love: Your passions and interests.
What you're good at: Your skills and talents.
What the world needs: How you can contribute and make a difference.
What you can be paid for: How you can sustain yourself through your passions and skills.
Finding Your Ikigai:
There's no one-size-fits-all approach, but introspection, experimentation, and community engagement are key.
Talking to elders, engaging in traditional crafts, and pursuing hobbies can spark insights into your ikigai.
Ikigai is believed to contribute to longevity and overall well-being by adding meaning and purpose to life.
The concept has gained global interest, prompting many to explore their own ikigai journeys.
Ikigai is a personal journey, so be patient and kind to yourself in the process.
Embrace the fluidity of ikigai; it can evolve and change throughout your life.
The beauty of ikigai lies in the continuous pursuit of meaning and purpose, not necessarily finding a definitive answer.
3- Today’s news
Hokkaido records –27.1 degrees Celsius
Follow the Japanese philosophy of ikigai and lead a happy life
Ikigai is a unique Japanese terminology that originated during the Heian period, in the year 794. The word can be split into two parts: “iki” which means life and existence, and “gai” which denotes value and meaning. When you put them together – ikigai – can be explained as “the meaning of life and existence”, or “the core value of existence”.
The Japanese ikigai belief has nothing to do with income and material gain, and is neither restricted to any particular lifestyle or thing, but is an open-minded attitude towards life, always having empathy not only for ourselves and other people, but also on all things. This is in hopes of making our day-to-day lives more meaningful, extraordinary, and joyful.

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