Thursday, 28 November 2024

Dengon game(でんごんゲーム)

1.Form a line:

Participants form a line and stand or sit next to each other.
2.Whisper a message:
The person at the front of the line is given a messages and movements to remember.
3.Pass the messages:
They whisper messages and movements to the person next to them, who then whispers to the next person, and so on down the line.
4.Reveal the final message:
The last person in the line repeats out loud about the messages and movements they have heard, complete with gestures.

Sunday, 3 November 2024

During emergencies

-During emergencies

General Emergency Phrases:

 * Tasukete! (Help!)

 * Tasukete kudasai! (Please help me!)

 * Kyuukyuusha o yonde kudasai! (Please call an ambulance!)

 * Keisatsu o yonde kudasai! (Please call the police!)

 * Jiko desu! (Accident!)

 * Kiken desu! (Danger!)

Asking for Help:

 * Eigo o hanaseru hito wa imasu ka? (Is there anyone who speaks English?)

 * Watashi wa [country] kara kimashita. (I am from [country].)

 * Watashi wa [problem] desu. (I have a [problem].)

 * Doko ga itai desu ka? (Where does it hurt?)

 * Mizu o motte kite kudasai. (Please bring me water.)

Understanding Emergency Situations:

 * Nan desu ka? (What is it?)

 * Doko de nan desuka? (Where is it happening?)

 * Nani ga okotta no desu ka? (What happened?)

 * Daijōbu desu ka? (Are you okay?)

-Today's news

Tokyo’s Shibuya and Shinjuku on high alert at Halloween

Different ある and いる

"Aru" and "iru" are two essential Japanese verbs that often cause confusion for learners. Both can be translated as ...